First of all...I want to thank you all for your thoughts...opinions...advice 
and prayers for my parents little Chihuahua... Bear. He’s doing a little 
better. He is walking around some...and I have been giving him water from a 
syringe since we got him to eat some baby’s chicken 
in chicken broth. At first he wouldn’t eat it so I added a little water and 
made it REALLY soupy and he ate it off of the spoon! His blood work came back 
normal to very good. This is what happened....he was fine on Sunday 
night/Monday early about 1 am. He was acting fine. He woke my mom 
up howling on Mon morning. He was acting really weird...just sitting in one 
spot looking like he was in a daze. Then he started to shake. We gave him some 
sugar because he’s prone to low sugar attacks. He seemed to feel a little 
better...but still just sat there not looking good. He was really stiff and 
kept his tail tucked in. Twice yesterday before we took him to the vet he 
yelled out like he was in pain. When we got to the vets office it was 
packed...wall to wall...all dogs except one cat...most of the dogs were really 
big...including the one who’s owner sat down beside my mom...this dog weighed 
over 100 pounds and went after EVERY dog that moved! I know it scared Bear 
because he’s not used to big dogs. I was up at the counter checking Bear 
in...and some girl came up and told me that my mom said Bear was in a I told the girl at the desk and thy took him right back. The 
doctor told us he might never have another seizure...but you can never 
tell...he said he won’t put him on meds unless he has 3 or more a month. I 
always keep an eye on my parents dogs...but I’ll keep a closer eye on Bear now. 
He is usually on my dad’s lap so I’m sure he will notice if something goes 
wrong. But like I said...he’s doing better least he’s getting some 
water and food in him...if he’s not eating and drinking on his own by 
tomorrow...I’m calling the vet or just taking him back in. Oh...and he’s 
wagging his little tail and doesn’t look like he’s in a daze now! Please keep 
sending good thoughts and prayers for him...Thank you.

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