Yes, the class mine went to have not seen 2 well behaved outgoing, non barking, 
non nippy Chis before. My g/f has 2 BYB non related Chis who are both friendly 
and quiet as well. I have only known a few LH Chis but their activity level was 
the same as the many Smooth Chis. Monte is less active then Alice but he is 4 
yrs to her 1 yrs old. They do love to wrestle for an hour or more.  I have had 
pet rock MinPins and one who never stopped moving with most being in between. 
Activity level is inherited and also situational, most dogs are happy to go out 
every hour but also content if they go out every 6 hours. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
Monte CGC,  MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and  IMPS foster Jordan

Gregory <> wrote:

>I was recently told by the owner of a long coat chi that she chose that 
>particular type of chi because long coats were supposed to be calmer and less 
>hyper than the smooth coat. Doesn't it depend on the individual chi instead of 
>long vs smooth coat?
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