That is one of the many reasons I adopt older pups, Alice was 7 mos old. I want 
to be able to see adult structure and bite to prevent as many problems as 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC and 
Monte CGC,  MinPins HoneyB, Brutus, and IMPS foster  Jordan  


-------- Original message --------
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Re: My Piper is a mix 
From: Joan <> 

I got my Desi Lou from a local 'breeder' and I was told he was going to be a 
lot smaller than he is. He has a longer snout and his head tilts a little 
downward. He has a very long narrow back but very tall thin back legs...his 
front feet look like doxie at the ankles. My vet says he is all chi...but he is 
not yet 4 and having spine problems so I have him on Phycox now.
I don't know how to post pics from a web post, and if I had more time, I would 
find out.
It isn't really important how they morph as they grow, and the most important 
thing is that they are the sweetest little things and all of our love is 
returned a hundred fold from our chis.

--- In, JelikoCats <Jelikocats@...> wrote:
> OK when I got her I was told she was an apple head Chi. She looked just like 
> an Apple head too when I got her.
> However in the past 3 weeks as she is growing, I've noticed some differences. 
> Her snout is a bit longer, her body is
> longer and she walks with a wiggle.
> After some research, it appears she's a Chi-weenie. A chi/weenier dog mix. 
> I'm concerned because wiener dogs have bad backs and knees from what I am 
> told.
> Does anyone have a Chi-weenie on this list
> Anything I should know about them. 
> As far as potty training, she's going OK. I'm starting to take her outside 
> first thing when she wakes up.
> Today was the first day. she ran around and peed. But then pooped on my floor 
> inside.
> So its a work in progress, but she's still under 4 months.
> Janine
> is What it is......

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