Alarming loopholes in shelter laws makes you wonder what goes on in other
states shelters.

by Becky Baker--Editor

As an animal lover, I want to point out a bill that could have easily been
overlooked that involved clarifying the laws concerning animal shelters.
This came after three years of struggles by a few North Carolina animal
advocates and concerned lawmakers.

Two women who have spent countless hours, putting their lives on hold, in
the pursuit of this and other legislation regarding animal welfare, are
Susan Barrett with NC Shelter Rescue Inc, and Jane Tzilvelis, a frustrated,
concerned citizen from Durham. According to Susan, “The laws that preceded
this revision were riddled with loopholes and were basically unenforceable.”
When asked to give an example of the change they fought so hard for Susan
replied, “If any bill states “may” instead of “shall” it’s a loophole for
any office or overseeing office to not do their job or follow the law as it
was intended. It’s a play on words, but that’s how we are in North Carolina,
we make laws and play word games.”

That one little word could make a huge difference in the safe return of your
lost pet. The original bill used the word “may” when talking about the use
of scanners to check for microchips in animals. I have all my dogs chipped
and was living under the assumption that if, heaven forbid, my dogs ever got
lost or stolen they would be identified and I would be immediately notified
after a scan revealed my contact information. Apparently that has not been
the case in some North Carolina shelters.

A key component in their quest for fair treatment of animals in the
possession of an animal shelter was the governing body overseeing these
shelters. Currently this falls under the jurisdiction of the North Carolina
Department of Health and Human Services, which has only regulatory powers.
When SB626 goes into effect the North Carolina Department of Agriculture
will be in charge and they do have enforcement capabilities.

This was a major point of contention that spurred their efforts for this
change. “Most people can’t or won’t understand what Jane and I did here,”
Susan explained. “We had what looked like a wonderful law for the animals on
the books, but when we tore it apart we found that much of the authority of
the bill was placed under an incorrect office, the NC DHHS which is only
regulatory and has no enforcement capability. Each time a formal complaint
was filed for violations ranging from animals being killed prior to the 72
hour state mandated period to the non-use of microchip scanners to help
identify an owner, the laws meant to protect our animals could not be
enforced and continued to be ignored with no ramifications to the offending

There are other areas of concern that have been addressed in the modified
version of the bill. It is now required that anyone adopting an animal must
show valid ID. Information of the adopting party will be kept in a database
that can be monitored for signs of hoarding, the use of said animals for dog
fighting, the resale of adopted animals and a host of other unthinkable

I was also surprised to learn that under the old law shelters could sell
unclaimed animals to research facilities. The exact wording stated that
unclaimed animals could be “sold to institutions within this State
registered by the United States Department of Agriculture pursuant to the
Federal Animal Welfare Act.” This has been stricken in the new bill.

Representative Pricey Harrison, D-Guilford, offered up an amendment to give
explicit permission to use “any reasonable means” to rescue overheating
animals locked inside a vehicle after a “reasonable effort” has been made to
find the owner. There are 14 states that prohibit pet owners from leaving
animals in hot vehicles. The difference in the North Carolina law is that it
will not only allow law enforcement officers, but also firefighters, animal
control officers and other rescue workers to take the necessary action to
save an animal’s life.

The addition of this new section regarding “the confinement of animals in
motor vehicles” should be a reminder to us all about the dangers of taking
our pets with us in the car, especially this time of year. Once you turn off
the air conditioning the temperature in your parked car increases rapidly
even if you’re only gone a short time. Overheating can occur quickly and
there may not be anyone there to rescue your beloved pet. (See “A Penny
Saved” on page 9 for more on this subject.)

A very special thanks goes out to our Representatives who made the passage
of this bill possible. “If not for Representative Pat McElraft (R-district
13) and House Speaker Thom Tillis (R-district 98) who brought this bill to
the floor for a vote, the matter would have been pushed back to sometime in
2014” said Susan. She added “There are others who helped tremendously and I
know I’ll forget some, so forgive me in advance, but I’d like to call out
Representatives Jimmy Dixon (R-district 4), James Langdon (R-district 28),
and Nathan Ramsey (R-district 115) as well as Senators Brent Jackson
(R-district 10) and Floyd McKissick (D-district 20).”

I personally want to add a big thank you to all those who work so hard to be
a voice for the animals of this state and to those who have their best
interest at heart. From the people behind the scenes working with the
Legislature, to the reputable rescue organizations finding new homes for
abandoned, mistreated or unwanted animals, to the private pet owners who
treat their animals with love and care. Let’s keep striving to make North
Carolina a state that others aspire to be like when it comes to the
treatment of animals.

If you want to read the whole bill: openstates
You can follow Susan at:

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