I like the brindle coloring. Chis come in every color and pattern imaginable 
and should have brown eyes even with blue merles. Many countries ban the merles 
since inbreeding causes deaf and blind pups like it does in Aussies, Collies, 
Sheltland Sheepdogs etc. But poor breeding causes lots of problems so why ban a 
color? Any breeding for one trait whether size or color causes problems. Most 
BYB don't care or know that genes don't blend so breeding a small male with a 
big female doesn't mean middle sized pups, just any sized ones according to 
their genes. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC , 
Monte CGC, foster Blue and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus


"r.scott" <rss71...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>[Attachment(s) from r.scott included below] 
>In this picture he  escaped  outside without his leash on.  but he came back, 
>I was behind him making sure he  went back inside.  he's very sneaky 
>sometimes.  he is glad to have me back to himself. he seemed jealous of the 
>female dog when she was here she would jump into  my lap and he would stare at 
>her in my lap. I've had Cody for a year [adopted him from the shelter in July 
>2012].  so he was use to being the only dog.  Robert
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