By Mary Clare Jalonick, Associated Press | Associated Press – 5 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Agriculture Department is cracking down on dog
breeders who sell puppies over the Internet, issuing new regulations that
will force them to apply for federal licenses. 
The rules announced Tuesday would subject dog owners who breed more than
four females and sell the puppies online, by mail or over the phone to the
same oversight faced by wholesale animal breeders. 
Many breeders who run their businesses online have skirted federal oversight
by classifying themselves as retail pet stores, which are exempt from
licensing requirements. Commercial pet stores aren't required to have
licenses because buyers can see the animals before they buy them and decide
whether they appear healthy and cared for. But that's not the case when
buying over the Internet. 
The idea behind the new rules, says USDA's Kevin Shea, is that either
government inspectors or buyers see the animals with their own eyes before
they are sold. 
Shea, administrator of the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
 says the agency is responding to a 2010 USDA inspector general's report
that uncovered grisly conditions at so-called "puppy mills" around the
country. The report recommended that the department tighten the animal
welfare laws — written more than four decades ago, long before the advent of
the Internet — to cut down on unscrupulous breeders. 
In addition to finding dirty, bug-infested conditions at many breeding
facilities, inspectors cited numerous reports of buyers who received animals
who were sick or dying. 
The new rules, first proposed last year, would ensure that most people who
sell pets over the Internet, by phone or mail order can no longer do so
sight-unseen. Sellers either must allow buyers to see animals in person
before they purchase them or obtain a license and be subject to inspections
by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. 
The rules are targeted to dog breeders but could affect breeders of other
animals too. The Agriculture Department estimates that up to 4,640 dog
breeders could be affected by the rule, along with about 325 cat breeders
and up to 75 rabbit breeders. 
Animal protection groups cheered the move. Wayne Pacelle, president of The
Humane Society of the United States, said he has been working on the issue
for almost two decades. While mail-order dog sales were a problem before
popular use of the Internet, online sales have made the problem much worse,
he said. 
"There are hundreds of thousands of dogs languishing in small wire cages,
denied vet care and exposed to the elements that literally had no protection
under federal law," Pacelle said. "This turns that around." 
Small-size breeders have lobbied against the changes, saying the rules could
regulate them out of business. USDA's Shea says the department set the
minimum of four breeding females to ensure that smaller sellers would be
able to continue offering puppies. 
"People who have generally been thought of as 'hobby breeders' continue to
be exempt," Shea said. 
Shea said the licenses will cost $750 or less and complying with the USDA
regulations should only be expensive for breeders who aren't already
ensuring their animals have adequate housing and medical care. 
The American Kennel Club said it is dismayed by the rule, which is "overly
broad and will do more damage than good," said spokeswoman Lisa Petersen. 
The group argues that the term "breeding female" is too vague and could subject 
some sellers to the rules even though some of their dogs aren't actually 
breeding. The club said breeders are also concerned that the rules are too 
specific as to how dogs should be housed, and could prevent some small breeders 
from keeping dogs in their homes.

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