Wow...what a cutie!  He could be a mix too. He doesn't appear to have the
chi legs, his are wider and to be honest the one leg is straight out but the
knee looks jointed.  I hope you got a written health guarantee that he was
tested for patellar luxation and it doesn't run in his background. He also
doesn't have the narrow slim paws that is characteristic of chis. Also he
doesn't appear to have a long tail like a chi, but he has the facial
markings of both breeds.  His muzzle is wider then most chi's but if one of
his parents were a Deer Head he could have that gene. Didn't you get any
papers on him and his background before you purchased him to check out the
breeders line?

He is adorable whatever he is.  Hope the next time you adopt a chi, since so
many are in shelters and rescues and need good homes.


-------Original Message-------
Date: 9/18/2013 9:06:52 PM
Subject: [Chihuahuas] Chihuahua or Rat Terrier [1 Attachment]
[Attachment(s) from included below]

Hello.  I am trying to figure out if our Rudy is actually the chihuahua that
I purchased him as or if he is a rat terrier;  He has the familiar ears,
mannerisms.... even the snorting that sometimes accompanies drinking water..
 but I'm just not sure. <p></p><div>What do you think?</div><div>Thank you

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