Looks like they stay in a shelter type place, they are looking for a foster 
home or adoptive home. Poor dudes, this is why one plans for stuff like this. I 
saw and still see way too much of it so at 19 made a will to protect my pets. 

Robin, Dobe Axel CGC, TT, German Pin Ranger CGC, TT, Chihuahuas Alice CGC , 
Monte CGC, and MinPins HoneyB and Brutus


Mommabear7772004 <mommabear7772...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>Well I'm glad they are at a rescue and not a shelter , but it sounds like they 
>have all been thru a tough time with the storms and moving around and all . 
>They need a mama to sleep with at night and their own home with toys and beds 
>and their own soft blankies. !! I wonder if they are in a foster home ? 
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Oct 5, 2013, at 5:33 PM, Peggy & The Girls <phr...@optimum.net> wrote:
>It's really not a shelter anymore, but a rescue center.  Bobbi and the Strays, 
>bought a public kill shelter and turned it into a private rescue center a 
>couple of years ago. During the first year they got hit with Hurricane Irene, 
>evacuated and luckily very little damage. They weren't so lucky with Sandy. 
>They evacuated and were hit with 4 feet of salt water. Everything had to be 
>replaced including the all the wiring, heating system, a/c's and washers and 
>dryers and all the products and most of the food stored in a trailer was lost. 
>It was a mess., but the public pitched in and got things rolling again.  The 
>animals stayed at an empty warehouse and some with temporary fosters until 
>they could be moved back to the center. 
>Their bio doesn't say how long the chis have been there.  They are two 6 pound 
>brothers and about 8-10 yrs old.  They have to be adopted together as they are 
>very bonded.  Sure would be nice if they found a forever home soon. 
>-------Original Message-------
>From: Mommabear7772004
>Date: 10/5/2013 3:21:48 PM
>To: all_chihuah...@yahoogroups.com;  Chihuahuas@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [Chihuahuas] Freeport Long Island [1 Attachment]
>These 2 sweeties have been waiting a year in a shelter on Long Island . 
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