Kemach crackers and cookies, further correction. The Guide states that the malt in these items is Yoshon UP TO AND INCLUDING the code 023. In fact, the malt from 023 and later may be Chodosh.


Kemach crackers and cookies, the Chodosh date for malt was given as Jan. 23, with a code of 1P023N. In fact only the three digits in the middle of the code are relevant. The other letters and numbers can be ignored. If those three digits are 023 up to the day of the year for the current date (for example up to 065 for Mar. 6) then the malt may be Chodosh. For high numbers such as from 200 to 365, the item was produced last year and the malt is Yoshon.

Kehilah Kashrus has asked that we remind the public that both in the restaurants and pizza shops under their supervision and in many other restaurants, the fries, the spicy fries and the Cajun fries may be Chodosh. Since these are fried in the same oil as other fried items, all fried items may be Chodosh due to the oil in which they are fried. This warning has been printed in detail in the Guide at the beginning of the restaurant listings for each city.

Post cereals contain a confusing statement. To clarify: the bran in Post Shredded Wheat is Yoshon. The bran in other Post cereals may be Chodosh.

Liebers cereals the code given in the Guide is incorrect. The correct code is not available.

Kashi cereal update. The date on Kashi Pilaf cereal is the actual date of packing. For the Heart and Headcereal the package date is 10 months after packing. For the Honey Puff Kashi it is 9 months after packing. For all other cereals, the date is 12 months after packing. Check the ingredients. For wheat, the probable Chodosh packing date is Aug 20, for oats and barley it it Sept 14. For barley malt or plain malt, it is Jan 15.

Weetabix cereal update. The wheat in Weetabix, Alpen and Graifield Raisin Bran is winter wheat. If there is malt in the ingredients, the probable Chodosh date is Jan. 15, code is CRJA 15 04 (CR=not important, JA=month, 15=day, 04=year+1).


The third and last issue of the Guide to Chodosh has been mailed out. The following are additions and corrections since the publication of the Guide.

Schreiber Bakeries, 3008 Ave M, Brooklyn and 409 Ave M. Everything is Yoshon except muffins and whatever contains oatmeal. Under the hashgocho for Yoshon of the Kehilah Kashrus.

Le Chaim Fruit Bars. The example given on page 31 is wrong. The code of 2350 should have stated (2=year, &). In addition, any Le Chaim bar that states Yoshon on the label is Yoshon without the need to check codes.


Over the past several years, I have published a collection of data on supermarkets from the perspective of buying chometz after pesach. This is meant as a guide for Rabbonim, with little specific data for the average consumer. In this respect, it is very different from the Guide to Chodosh. The first draft of this years report is available for you to look at. I invite comments on this. In particular, I have not found a good way to figure out when to stop and start buying chometz in questionable stores after pesach. How does one trace the path of a package found in a store after pesach that is, say 150 from its packing? Any suggestions about this would be welcome.

To see the draft report send E mail to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the message type:

get Chometz.txt

Make sure that you capitalize as shown.


Now, for the first time, we are offering on an experimental basis a formatted version of the Guide by E mail, in the PDF format. This file can only be read if you have the free Acrobat reader (available from <> This preserves most of the format of the full, printed Guide. The page layout is slightly altered, so that the table of contents and the index may be off by 1-2 pages. This version is also available to you free of charge on the condition that if you print it out it should be for your own use only, that you do not distribute it to others. To request this send an E mail to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and request the PDF version of the Guide. The file that you will get is large, about 304 KB in size. Make sure that your E mail system allows such large attachments to received mail messages.

Y. Herman


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You can request several reports by sending an E-mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Then in the body of the message type the command: "get" (without the quotes) followed by the name of the file that you want. Type each request on a new line. Make sure that you copy the file name exactly as spelled including capital letters. These reports are now available:

get Guide.txt

This gets the unformatted E mail version of the current Guide to Chodosh

Get Cereal.txt

This gets the cereal tables for Quaker and General Mills that can not be read in the Guide.txt received from the previous command.

get Guidelines.txt

This gets a long report on Guidelines to Mashgichim on Chodosh. This has not been updated in the last two years, but is still substantially valid.

get News.txt

This gives the latest news bulletin, such as this note.


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