The following as of 22 Sept 04


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh is being held up somewhat due to circumstances beyond our control. It is now expected out BEH around Sukkos time. We apologize for the delay. Meanwhile, we will try to keep everyone updated by E mail, Hot Line News recording and the BBS. We will also send out E mail to announce when the new Guide will be available for download by E mail and BBS. This bulletin tries to cover the most urgent items that may come up until the Guide is published and mailed out.


Freshly baked bakery products are probably Chodosh already, as of Sept 4 everywhere in the USA. In the Midwest this starting date was Aug 20


Packaged wheat products except for pasta and noodles were probably safe to buy up to Sept 20. At this point, any of the wheat products that had Chodosh problems in the past, other than the pastas, may be Chodosh if purchased after Sept 20. Try to buy the brands made under reliable hashgocho in Israel or other heimishebrands with a Yoshon label, if available. Call the Hot Line or send me E mail if you have any urgent questions about these wheat products until the Guide comes out.


Pasta and noodles are probably safe to buy up to Sept 30. Pasta products produced in Israel under reliable hashgocho are always Yoshon. Also Yoshon under hashgocho are Mishpacha, Streits, and the egg noodles from Kemach. In addition, the following are Yoshon with a Yoshon label: Greenfield, Haddar. Yoshon without hashgocho are Adirim, and with a Yoshon label Chuster. Landau whole wheat pasta is Yoshon at least up to a purchase date through sukkos.


Oats probably Yoshon up to a purchase date of Oct 19 (except Quaker). Quaker and Mothers oats Chodosh packing date is Sept 7. The package code for this date depends on the type of cereal. For all hot Quaker and Mothers oats cereals, the package code for Sept 7 is March 1 06. For most of the Quaker and Mothers cold cereals to which you add cold milk, the package date is Jun 4 05. Granola and oatmeal bars have the code of Mar. 6 05.

General Mills (e.g. Cheerios, etc) Chodosh packing date is Oct 15.



Barley probably safe to buy up to Oct 22.

Gefen and Unger barley will be Yoshon under hashgocho all year.

Goya barley Chodosh as of packing date of Oct 1. Quaker barley as of Feb 1 05.

Barley by Trinidad, Peak, Jack Rabbit, Shoprite, White Rose Chodosh as of packing date of Sept 30, code Sept 30, 05 (1 year).






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