*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>


The first issue of the Guide to Chodosh for the upcoming season is ready for you to download by email. Send a blank email message to

chod...@moruda.com <mailto:chod...@moruda.com>

For those who have difficulty accessing this site, there will be a second email address available to get the Guide in 1-2 days. I will send a notice when the second site is ready.

In the table below we summarize the cutoff dates recommended by the Guide, based on preliminary estimates of the US Government supplied harvest data. These estimated dates will be updated as necessary in later issues of the Guide. The “Packing date” indicates that all packaged goods with dating codes that were before that date should be Yoshon. Starting with the “Packing date” and later, they may be Chodosh. The “Purchase date” is the first date for which we feel it is no longer safe to purchase the foods without checking for dating codes. We also give the first recommended date to stop purchasing freshly baked items produced at the local bakeries.

_Application_ _Packing date_ _Purchase date_

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Packaged foods with oats Jul 26 Aug 9

Packaged foods with wheat Aug 9 Aug 24

Noodles and pasta or barley

(not malt) Aug 16 Sept 1

Packaged foods with malt Oct 15 Jan 15

Freshly baked bakery products with wheat

-Mid West USA Aug 10

-Other USA Aug 24

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Those who have access to email can have important corrections and updates sent to their email address automatically. To subscribe to this free service send a blank email message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>

Those who have subscribed last year to the email distribution list do not need to renew this email subscription.


To send an E mail message to the Guide, please address it to: yher...@earthlink.net.

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Then if you wish to resume receiving these messages from your new service, send a message to:

chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il <mailto:chodosh-subscr...@jif.org.il>.

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Project Chodosh is an independent activity, not affiliated with any movement or organization. We thank the Jewish Internet Fund (JIF) for allowing us to use their E mail distribution services. The JIF provides free email and web hosting to Jewish education and outreach organizations. We also thank the sites moruda.com and sefer.org for allowing the public to use E mail to request copies from their facitlites of the Guides to Chodosh and the Mashgichim.

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