*From the Guide to Chodosh-Y. Herman*

*Chodosh telephone Hot Line 718-305-5133, email *yher...@yahoo.com <mailto:yher...@yahoo.com>



On Dec 21 we announced that we had received a psak from Harav Elyashiv that stated that wheat bran and oat bran have no problem of Chodosh, even if they come from Chodosh grain. It turns out that the psak was based on the incorrect assumption that such bran today is basically produced for animal food. When it was explained to Harav Elyashiv that such bran is very commonly used for human food, he stated that bran coming from Chodosh grain should be treated as Chodosh. Therefore, where oat bran is listed as an ingredient, the usual packing cutoff date of Jul 26 should be used and for wheat bran Aug 9, as has been assumed thusfar in the Guide.


Malt or barley malt may be Chodosh as of a packing date of Dec 15. Therefore any packaged food whose package code is known may contain Chodosh malt if packed on or after Dec 15. Where the package code is not known, it may be assumed that up to a PURCHASE DATE of Mar 15 '11, the malt found in packages on the grocery shelves is still Yoshon. This year, since pesach is on Apr 12 due to the extra month of Adar, people should purchase enough malt containing items to last up to pesach.

Trader Joe white whole wheat flour Chodosh code Aug 9 12

Liebers pretzels with barley or oats in the ingredients may be Chodosh despite the Yoshon label on the package.

Food Should Taste Good Company products with oats in the ingredients, the Chodosh code is Jan 26 11 (6 months after packing.) For those without oats but containing wheat or barley (not malt) the code is Feb 9 11. For those without wheat, oats or barley, but containing malt, the code is Jun 15 11.

Kemach all purpose flour, both the wheat and the malt are Yoshon at all times.

Rabbi Eliezer Schneebalg of England. All products under his hashgocho are Yoshon, including candy products.

Maxi Health Vitamin and nutrition products, the expiration date is 4 years after packing except for Probiotics for which it is 3 years. Therefore, for items containing oats or oat bran, the Chodosh code is 7-14 (July 2014). For wheat it is 8-14. For Probiotics the code would be 1 year earlier.



All Liebers cookies, crackers and snackers that list malt in the ingredients may be Chodosh starting with the code of 349J (349=day of year, J=2010.) At this time most Liebers products have a uniform dating code where the first 3 digits are the day of the year and the letter that follows is the year (J=2010, K=2011...). In time all Liebers products will have this code (besides any other codes that may be on the package.) One reason for this is to accommodate the Yoshon consumer so that we can always tell when the package was packed.

Franczoz whole wheat bread given out with hospital foods is NOT Yoshon.

Kemach cookies, snackers and crackers, the wheat is Yoshon. The malt may be Chodosh starting a packing date of Dec 15. The three digits in the code indicate the day of the year, the Chodosh code is 349. Kemach Honey Nut Toasted Oats cereal contains wheat germ that may be Chodosh after a packing date of Aug 9, code Aug 9 11 (1 year after packing.) For other Kemach cereals, the malt Chodosh date is Dec 15 11 (1 year after packing.) For pie crusts the malt may be Chodosh starting with a code of 12-15-11 (1year after packing.) Note that the listing for Kemach chocolate graham pie crust on page 40 of the Guide is not correct and should be deleted.

Cavendish spicy fries, if made in Canada, the Chodosh code is 24-10-2010 (Oct 24 '10).



Warnings have been issued by kashrus oragnizations that worms have been found in boxes of Ronzoni Elbow macaroni. (This has nothing to do with Yoshon.) We advise that all pasta and barley should always be checked for bugs. The Guide had for a long time stated that noodles and pasta in cellophane bags are more secure against bugs entering than cardboard boxes.

Joray Fruit Rollups and other similar licorice type candies usually contain wheat flour. Such candies, if not listed as Yoshon in the Guide may be Chodosh.

Dependable and Masbia noodles and pasta are Yoshon even without a Yoshon label. The Dependable listing on page 25 of the second issue of the Guide is incorrect and should be deleted.

Kemach Sugar Puff cereal uses durum spring wheat. The Chodosh code is Sept 1 11 (1 year after packing.)

Gluten free oats are regular oats that are grown free of contamination from wheat. As such it could be Chodosh if packed starting July 26.

Sensible Portions Veggy Straws and other items from this company, the package date is 180 days after packing. For items containing wheat, the Chodosh code for a packing date of Aug 9 is Feb 5 11.

Items manufactured on same equipment as wheat products. If you look at many packaged foods, you may see a note that it is manufactured on the same equipment wheat products. This is printed to warn those who may have a wheat allergy, some residue of wheat may remain on the machines from earlier production runs. You should consult your own posek to ask if there is a need to worry that the wheat residue may have been Chodosh. Examples of this are General Mills cereals such as Honey Nut Cheerios and Reeses Puffs, also some cashew nuts and other products.

Golden Puff products are listed in the Guide as being Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kedessia of London, where they are manufactured. They are being marketed in the USA under the different hashgochos but are still Yoshon.

Chuster pasta products with a Yoshon label and a CRC hashgocho for kashrus are certified by the CRC as being Yoshon.



LAKEWOOD: The information for facilities under hashgocho for Yoshon by Rabbi Gissinger were not properly updated on pages 62 and 63 of the new Guide. The information on page 8 is correct. It is reprinted here for your reference.

*_Lakewood NJ_*

*? Café Clinton* Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Gelbstein and Gruenebaum* Bakeries Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger.

*? Kosher Village* Bakery Dept Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger, except for the seven grain bread.

*? **River Avenue Café*Yoshon under the hashgocho of Rabbi S. Gissinger



Grab-One Nutrition bars are Yoshon under the hashgocho of the Kof-K.

We were advised by the Kehila Kashrus that the following establishments in Brooklyn are NOT Yoshon: Ave J Appetizing,1348 Coney Island Ave, Ave P Appetizer, 466 Ave P, and The Bagel Café, Kings Highway at E. 3^rd St.

Bay State commercial flour is only Yoshon under the hashgocho of the O-Uif there is Yoshon marking on the flour bag.



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