Issue 3613: HANG [winqual] WebContents::Destroy

New issue report by [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Hung thread is the main thread:

WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be  
chrome_1000000!TabStripModel::InternalCloseTabContentsAt(int index =  
1238756, bool create_historical_tab = true)+0x10e
chrome_1000000!Browser::ClearUnloadState(class TabContents * tab =  
chrome_1000000!Browser::CloseContents(class TabContents * source =  
chrome_1000000!WebContents::Close(class RenderViewHost * render_view_host =  
chrome_1000000!MessageLoop::RunTask(class Task * task = 0x009405cc)+0x2c
chrome_1000000!MessageLoop::QueueOrRunTask(class Task * new_task =  
chrome_1000000!MessageLoop::RunTimerTask(class Timer * timer =  
chrome_1000000!TimerManager::MessageWndProc(struct HWND__ * hwnd =  
0x0012ecf0, unsigned int message = 0x12ecf0, unsigned
int wparam = 0x12ecf0, long lparam = 0)+0xc2
chrome_1000000!MessageWndProc(struct HWND__ * hwnd = 0x013f0166, unsigned  
int message = 0x113, unsigned int wparam =
0x12f718, long lparam = 0)+0x17

The actual hang is here:

0118bba3 85c0            test    eax,eax
0118bba5 7408            je      chrome_1000000!WebContents::Destroy+0xce  
0118bba7 8d480c          lea     ecx,[eax+0Ch]
0118bbaa 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx]
0118bbac ff5024          call    dword ptr [eax+24h]
0118bbaf 8d4e60          lea     ecx,[esi+60h]
0118bbb2 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx]
0118bbb4 6a00            push    0
0118bbb6 68ed171901      push    offset  
chrome_1000000!WebContents::EnumPluginWindowsCallback (011917ed)
0118bbbb ff5008          call    dword ptr [eax+8]
0118bbbe 50              push    eax
0118bbbf ff1538576101    call    dword ptr  
[chrome_1000000!_imp__EnumChildWindows (01615738)]  <======== here
0118bbc5 8b8ecc000000    mov     ecx,dword ptr [esi+0CCh]
0118bbcb 85c9            test    ecx,ecx
0118bbcd 7405            je      chrome_1000000!WebContents::Destroy+0xf3  
0118bbcf 8b01            mov     eax,dword ptr [ecx]
0118bbd1 ff5018          call    dword ptr [eax+18h]

start    end        module name
00400000 004a1000   chrome     (private pdb symbols)  chrome.exe
01000000 01899000   chrome_1000000   (private pdb symbols)  chrome.dll
02650000 02659000   normaliz   (export symbols)       normaliz.dll
03690000 03955000   xpsp2res T (no symbols)
0c880000 0c8a6000   rlz        (private pdb symbols)  rlz.dll
10000000 10005000   avgrsstx T (no symbols)
16080000 160a5000   mdnsNSP  T (no symbols)
3ce00000 3ce51000   default  T (no symbols)
3cf00000 3cf12000   en_US    T (no symbols)
4ad00000 4b56d000   icudt38    (export symbols)       icudt38.dll
4d4f0000 4d549000   winhttp  T (no symbols)
5ad70000 5ada8000   uxtheme  T (no symbols)
5b860000 5b8b5000   netapi32 T (no symbols)
65000000 65230000   gears      (private pdb symbols)  gears.dll
662b0000 66308000   hnetcfg  T (no symbols)
68000000 68036000   rsaenh   T (no symbols)
68100000 68126000   dssenh   T (no symbols)
71a50000 71a8f000   mswsock  T (no symbols)
71a90000 71a98000   wshtcpip T (no symbols)
71aa0000 71aa8000   ws2help  T (no symbols)
71ab0000 71ac7000   ws2_32   T (no symbols)
71bf0000 71c03000   samlib   T (no symbols)
74720000 7476c000   msctf    T (no symbols)
74c80000 74cac000   oleacc     (pdb symbols)          oleacc.dll
74d90000 74dfb000   usp10    T (no symbols)
74e30000 74e9d000   riched20 T (no symbols)
755c0000 755ee000   msctfime T (no symbols)
76080000 760e5000   msvcp60  T (no symbols)
76380000 76385000   msimg32  T (no symbols)
76390000 763ad000   imm32    T (no symbols)
767f0000 76817000   schannel T (no symbols)
769c0000 76a74000   userenv  T (no symbols)
76b40000 76b6d000   winmm    T (no symbols)
76bf0000 76bfb000   psapi    T (no symbols)
76c30000 76c5e000   wintrust T (no symbols)
76c90000 76cb8000   imagehlp T (no symbols)
76d60000 76d79000   iphlpapi T (no symbols)
76e80000 76e8e000   rtutils  T (no symbols)
76e90000 76ea2000   rasman   T (no symbols)
76eb0000 76edf000   tapi32   T (no symbols)
76ee0000 76f1c000   rasapi32 T (no symbols)
76f20000 76f47000   dnsapi   T (no symbols)
76f60000 76f8c000   wldap32  T (no symbols)
76fc0000 76fc6000   rasadhlp T (no symbols)
76fd0000 7704f000   clbcatq  T (no symbols)
77050000 77115000   comres   T (no symbols)
77120000 771ab000   oleaut32 T (no symbols)
773d0000 774d3000   comctl32 T (no symbols)
774e0000 7761d000   ole32    T (no symbols)
77690000 776b1000   ntmarta  T (no symbols)
77a80000 77b15000   crypt32  T (no symbols)
77b20000 77b32000   msasn1   T (no symbols)
77c00000 77c08000   version  T (no symbols)
77c10000 77c68000   msvcrt   T (no symbols)
77c70000 77c94000   msv1_0   T (no symbols)
77dd0000 77e6b000   advapi32 T (no symbols)
77e70000 77f02000   rpcrt4   T (no symbols)
77f10000 77f59000   gdi32    T (no symbols)
77f60000 77fd6000   shlwapi  T (no symbols)
77fe0000 77ff1000   secur32  T (no symbols)
78000000 78045000   iertutil T (no symbols)
78050000 78120000   wininet  T (no symbols)
7c800000 7c8f6000   kernel32 T (no symbols)
7c900000 7c9af000   ntdll    T (no symbols)
7c9c0000 7d1d7000   shell32  T (no symbols)
7e410000 7e4a1000   user32   T (no symbols)
7e720000 7e7d0000   sxs      T (no symbols)

The only strange modules loaded are

C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mdnsNSP.dll

Issue attributes:
        Status: Untriaged
        Owner: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-Windows Area-Misc

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