Your project notifications generated too many emails to send
individually. Here are the subject lines of the emails you would have

Issue 647 in chromium: Oracle Jinitiator not working with Chorme
Issue 4444 in chromium: Build error (gcc-4.3?): -Wno-sign-compare
Issue 4328 in chromium: Crash in TabContents::OnStartDownload
Issue 646 in chromium: Portuguese (Portugal) Translation Problem
Issue 628 in chromium: The scrollbar won't scroll smoothly at a game site
Issue 775 in chromium: problem with rendering - styles ?
Issue 823 in chromium: Display issue, probably tables not handled correctly
Issue 4444 in chromium: Build error (gcc-4.3?): -Wno-sign-compare
Issue 4350 in chromium: Crash on download from gmail in tip-of-tree
Issue 4328 in chromium: Crash in TabContents::OnStartDownload
Issue 1057 in chromium: chrome-resource URLs handled incorrectly
Issue 2082 in chromium: BUG: RTL text fields - Selecting through some  
keyboard shortcuts will not select anything
Issue 11 in chromium: Scrolling with middle-mouse button does not work  
Issue 1295 in chromium: Scroll Wheel Button Cannot Scroll
Issue 4445 in chromium: named shared memory prevents test shell from  
multiple users on linux
Issue 4446 in chromium: scroll bars doesn't reflect activation state on  
linux test shell
Issue 4445 in chromium: named shared memory prevents test shell from  
multiple users on linux
Issue 176 in chromium: BOM (U+FEFF) is not  turned to a space between tokens
Issue 1303 in chromium: unable to process CSS2 @font-face {src:  
Issue 1330 in chromium: <embed> tags with midi don't function
Issue 1349 in chromium: Unable to enable JRE 1.6u10 in Java control panel  
unless Mozilla is also installed on the desktop
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 3529 in chromium: Web site compatibility:
Issue 1376 in chromium: Div and table corruption bug
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 1391 in chromium: https page not loaded
Issue 1399 in chromium: Infragistics for ASP.NET 2008.2 widgets are not  
rendered properly
Issue 1402 in chromium: html parsing problem URGENT!!!
Issue 1409 in chromium: cannot view WSDL in crome
Issue 4447 in chromium: Navigating a page from the Bookmark manager, should  
show up the minimized browser window.
Issue 1412 in chromium: Chrome + gwt StackPanel issue
Issue 823 in chromium: Display issue, probably tables not handled correctly
Issue 176 in chromium: BOM (U+FEFF) is not  turned to a space between tokens
Issue 2082 in chromium: BUG: RTL text fields - Selecting through some  
keyboard shortcuts will not select anything
Issue 1413 in chromium: XMLHttpRequest fails to make synchronous requests
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 4443 in chromium: The Direction Keys In Gmail Doesn't Behave As  
Issue 1419 in chromium: Resources inspector does not always refresh graph
Issue 1420 in chromium: YUI charts loading
Issue 1438 in chromium: Box Corners
Issue 1402 in chromium: html parsing problem URGENT!!!
Issue 1441 in chromium: Wishlist: Variable tooltip life
Issue 1446 in chromium: hand cursor's hot spot is misplaced
Issue 4181 in chromium: JavaScript debugger window seems scrunched
Issue 1450 in chromium: Behaves badly with Roundcube webmail interface
Issue 1774 in chromium: bugs
Issue 1468 in chromium: cannot catch and move frame splitters
Issue 2082 in chromium: BUG: RTL text fields - Selecting through some  
keyboard shortcuts will not select anything
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 4448 in chromium: Relative URLs inherit the embedded  
username:password in the original URL
Issue 1471 in chromium: URL works in IE, but fails in Chrome:
Issue 4449 in chromium: Heap corruption caused by the new HTTP stack
Issue 4448 in chromium: Relative URLs inherit the embedded  
username:password in the original URL
Issue 4449 in chromium: Heap corruption caused by the new HTTP stack
Issue 4447 in chromium: Navigating a page from the Bookmark manager, should  
show up the minimized browser window.
Issue 4448 in chromium: Relative URLs inherit the embedded  
username:password in the original URL
Issue 4382 in chromium: Trunk builds > r5120 broken on Vista
Issue 2464 in chromium: wmode set to "transparent" causing incorrect  
rendering of flash media in Flash Player 9
Issue 3991 in chromium: IDN in 'wait for' in the status bar is  
shown as punycode regardless of accept-language
Issue 4450 in chromium: First Run screen says import settings only for  
Internet Explorer
Issue 4450 in chromium: First Run screen says import settings only for  
Internet Explorer
Issue 4421 in chromium: Pop-up blocker not notifying about pop-ups
Issue 4448 in chromium: Relative URLs inherit the embedded  
username:password in the original URL
Issue 4416 in chromium: Clickable buttons will not load
Issue 4416 in chromium: Clickable buttons will not load
Issue 1485 in chromium: SVN Repositories that use SVNIndexXSLT don't render  
at all?
Issue 4451 in chromium: scons install target
Issue 1539 in chromium: Cache problems (waiting for cache..)
Issue 11 in chromium: Scrolling with middle-mouse button does not work  
Issue 1615 in chromium: Download/Scrolling Bug
Issue 887 in chromium: Sometimes incorrect table display on
Issue 1642 in chromium: Google reader fails to load fully
Issue 1685 in chromium: Download Manager Integration not available
Issue 1373 in chromium: Navigating dark background websites results in  
blinding white flashes between pages.
Issue 1830 in chromium: npn_posturl failed
Issue 1831 in chromium: When will the Google Updater src code be available?
Issue 1834 in chromium: Feature Request: Spell-checker should automatically  
detect the language to use.
Issue 1837 in chromium: Improved User Control of Code Updates
Issue 1854 in chromium: The username and password remember option fill up  
non login fields.
Issue 4452 in chromium: Maximized Chrome Window is not fully maximized
Issue 1935 in chromium: referer-header is not set when openening link in  
new tab
Issue 1971 in chromium: omnibox shouldn't highlight subdomain
Issue 2099 in chromium: chrome can't handle URLs with port
Issue 11 in chromium: Scrolling with middle-mouse button does not work  
Issue 4257 in chromium: Please don't show password
Issue 2116 in chromium: with Google Reader: heuristics of determing to  
start a new process for cklicked links or not
Issue 2269 in chromium: Cached files with expired max-age are not removed  
from the memory
Issue 2332 in chromium: Non-ASCII characters not correctly encoded in the  
HTTP request.
Issue 2341 in chromium: | My Fairy > Gardens load  
but do not display
Issue 2361 in chromium: need to make it easy to experiment with UA strings
Issue 2482 in chromium: No referer header sent on new tab
Issue 1935 in chromium: referer-header is not set when openening link in  
new tab
Issue 619 in chromium: Anchor Links not always opening properly
Issue 2492 in chromium: links to named destination anchors not handled  
correctly when opened in a new tab
Issue 2497 in chromium: REGRESSION: Performance Drop in Sunspider since 2255
Issue 2530 in chromium: Need better documentation/notification about new  
Issue 2532 in chromium: Chrome windows do not obey Tile Windows  
Horizontally and Vertically
Issue 2564 in chromium: Kingsoft Powerword cannot read off words in the web  
page rendering area
Issue 780 in chromium: - Afficher des photos grand format (watching  
photos of objects in big format) does not work

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