[chromium-bugs] Issue 7408 in chromium: causes images to overlap right nav bar

Wed, 04 Feb 2009 16:18:54 -0800

Status: Available
Owner: all-bugs-t...@chromium.org
Labels: Type-Bug Pri-2 OS-All Area-Compat Area-WebKit HasReduction  
Mstone-2.0 stable

New issue 7408 by mberkow...@chromium.org: <table width="0"> causes images  
to overlap right nav bar

Upstreamed from Buganizer http://b/editIssue?id=955474

indernain on December 13 2007 08:04 (New)
Summary:     Image is coming on top of Menu Bar
Component:   Chrome > Compatibility
CC:          chrome-bugs
Type:        Bug
Priority:    P2
Severity:    S2
Found in:
In prod:     false
Hotlist:     chrome:needs-reduction

indernain on December 13 2007 08:04 (New)

URL: http://celebs.walla.co.il/?w=/3603/1204141

jasneet on January 17 2008 11:59 (New)
Hotlist: chrome:has-reduction

There are 2 issues: overlapping of bigger image on right nav bar and
overlapping of smaller images on right nav bar (both issues are independent
of each other )

1st issue : overlapping of bigger image and right nav bar is due to <td
align="center"> before image. aligning to right resolves the issue in
Chrome and Safari.

2nd issue : overlapping of smaller images and right nav bar is due to
<td width="50%" valign="top" align="left" style="border-right: 1px solid
rgb(204, 204, 204);">
there is a border which divides images and text. images to be placed on
left and text goes to right.
on adding just the border : <td style="border-right: 1px solid rgb(204,
204, 204);"> FF behaves in different way and Chrome and Safari behave


aocampo on March 11 2008 16:25 (New)

1st issue: overlapping of bigger image on right nav bar and overlapping of
smaller images on right nav bar

Issue is caused due to table width property set to zero: <table width="0">;
  removing this property aligns bigger image and smaller images in the
center column.

Note: IE and FF treat <td align="center"> differently and therefore there
is a difference seen in alignment of images in center column. Chrome/Safari
behave similar to FF.

Bug filed upstream: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17801

2nd issue: misalignment of headings of the column (where smaller images are
placed in left column and text in right column). It is partially seen.
Opening new bug for 2nd issue: http://b/issue?id=1065641

ananthak on April 10 2008 12:56 (New)
Component: Chrome > WebKit

chromedashboard-buganizer on April 21 2008 01:52 (New)
URLs affected: http://music.sogua.com/song/20232047.htm

mberkowitz on Jan 29 2009:
Issue with smaller images overlapping right nav bar still seen in Chromium (Developer Build 8909) in reduction mytest1.html (see link
below).  Large image overlap problem looks like no longer an issue.

Reductions can be found at:

Copies are also attached.

j...@chromium.org on Jan 29, 2009:
Status: Available
Owner: ---
Labels: Mstone-2.0 stable

        mytest.html  5.3 KB
        mytest1.html  1.9 KB
        mytest-standard.html  4.6 KB
        mytest-quirks.html  4.5 KB

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