Comment #12 on issue 2856 by smtpserver42: cursor jumps to end of e-mail

I am able to consistently reproduce this issue using

Below is a more detailed description of the steps needed to reproduce it.
Please let me know if you need more info. Or I could do a gotomeeting  
screencast if
you would like for me to demonstrate this issue live.

1. in Gmail, click "Compose Mail"
2. Add a few lines of dummy text to the body of the email message. This  
will simulate
a message where you are adding new text above existing text in the body of  
the email.
(e.g., you have a signature in your message or you are replying to an  
message). For this bug to be demonstrated, you must have existing text in  
the body of
the email message.
3. click "Attach a file"
4. click "Choose file" button
5. Locate a file in your file system that you can attach to the email  
message. This
should be a file that is large enough to take at least five seconds to  
upload. For
example, I used picasa3-setup.exe which is 9.47MB. If you have a very fast  
connection, you may need to use a larger file.
click [Open] in the file chooser dialog box to begin the upload of the file  
to gmail.
6. Very quickly, immediately after the file starts uploading, click at the  
of the text in the email body to return the cursor to the beginning of the  
message (before the first word of the dummy text you just entered).  
Continuously type
new text into the body of the email in the position before the existing  
text. Or you
can also place the cursor before the existing text and hold down one  
character key on
the keyboard and let that character repeat over and over.
7. In the body of the email message, watch the position of the cursor as  
you are
continuously typing new text into the email body. Continue typing in new  
text rapidly
while the file uploads. When the file you just attached has finished  
uploading, the
text cursor JUMPS to the end of the body text in the email and your text  
continues from that point. So the text you were entering into the body of  
the email
during the file upload is now in two parts: one part is before the existing  
text that
was already in the body of the email, and a second part that is after the  
body text.

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