Comment #7 on issue 9151 by malatmals: google search results jumbled
It seems I can get one search to perform properly after starting from scratch, putting in the about:histograms/sdch then doing a search. If I do another search on the same word or hit the search button again I get the error which is: (looks like my version is now (Official Build 12323) but I don't recall updating) REteF8DM���S ��#�H�8�<����f News39� 816,000,000 for test - �^ +test&r=67&ei=5SjMSbfJItTJtgewuPzQCQ3-9 Ht3JdGE-2n2w37O0m1rzlZc6mmDc �5 testS! �F 07c�06 �lL&ai=C_rjP5SjMSc-BI6CKtge2z8ykDOOouIMB287Ugg-KreIEEAEoAlCBrLq- B2DJtvOH7KPYF8gBAaoEE0_QevrIaSscbB3J4RpfjvyWEzI&num=1&sig=AGiWqtxeRR94fIfmP8ODI6sWMvw uQmSDYw&q=">Lab Automation SoftwareInventory, Design, Reserve, Connect Configure and Share Lab Equipment www.galetechnologies3,�J � l&ai=CK0vs5SjMSc-BI6CKtge2z8ykDIbEwXK6j-CtC- iiiwoQAigCUJ7pj_gCYMm284fso9gXoAHSy7n1A8gBAaoEFk_QevrIaSgcbETIe- GpzWvJI8eRvFw&num=2&sig=AGiWqtzyNO_CEW83qb4hLmAXs96abVcdOw&q= 4/a/100530/l/ho8t07">Take The Dumb TestAre you dumb? How dumb are you? Test your dumbness with this test!'�/ > Personality test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs typology Online test based on Jung - Myers-Briggs personality approach provides your type formula, type description, and career choices. - 21�1� �147.132/search? win/JTypes2.asp+test&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us" onmousedown="return clk(this.href,'','','clnk','8','')�*� win/JTypes2.asp�! !--n--> mensa testC]�u :q=wonderlic+test&revid=1640442330&ei=5SjMSbfJItTJtgewuPzQC�9= 2">wonderlic test�] personality test�] 6q=speed+test&revid=1640442330&ei=5SjMSbfJItTJtgewuPzQC�9= 4">speed testadsl speed test�] 5q=geek+test&revid=1640442330&ei=5SjMSbfJItTJtgewuPzQC�9= 6">geek test�] personality quiz#a��T 8q=myers+briggs&revid=1640442330&ei=5SjMSbfJItTJtgewuPzQC�9= .8">myers briggs ��#�4�4�(����Z#�)� � span class="csb" style="background-position:-26px 0;width:18px">123456789 -- You received this message because you are listed in the owner or CC fields of this issue, or because you starred this issue. You may adjust your issue notification preferences at: --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ Automated mail from issue updates at Subscription options: -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---