Status: Assigned
Labels: OS-Mac Area-Misc Pri-0 Type-Bug ReleaseBlock-Beta Mstone-4

New issue 21658 by All webpages are painted white

Chrome Version       :
OS: 10.6.0
URLs (if applicable) : .*

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Go to any web site.

What is the expected result?

Web page shows up.

What happens instead?

Web page loads, and the mouse cursor updates as if the web page was
there (status bubble and when you hover over links), but the tab remains

I've seen this only on my gf's computer, not on mine (perhaps because she
has SL and I have Leopard), it started happening after the update to 207.
Running with a different user data dir didn't help. Restarting chrome
multiple times didn't help either.

However, there's some useful debug output in the log:

Apfel:~ Kerstin$ /Applications/_Nico/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-

mac/build/src/chrome/app/] Breakpad disabled
objc[2866]: Class WKAppKitDrawDecoyWindow is implemented in both
/Applications/_Nico/Google Chrome
Framework.framework/Versions/A/Google Chrome Framework and
/System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit. One
of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2009-09-11 20:31:39.802 Google Chrome Helper[2871:107] Error loading
/Library/QuickTime/DivX 6 Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX 6

*snip several identical messages*

2009-09-11 20:31:39.831 Google Chrome Helper[2871:107] Error loading
/Library/QuickTime/DivX 6 Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX 6
Decoder:  dlopen(/Library/QuickTime/DivX 6
Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX 6 Decoder, 262): no suitable
image found.  Did find:
        /Library/QuickTime/DivX 6 Decoder.component/Contents/MacOS/DivX
6 Decoder: open() failed with errno=1
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 4200 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 4200 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:39 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 4200 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 4200 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 64 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextScaleCTM: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextTranslateCTM: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSetBlendMode: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextDrawImage: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 4200 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:40 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:41 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:42 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:43 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:44 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
mac/build/src/chrome/app/] Breakpad disabled
mac/build/src/base/] waitpid failed pid:2873
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:45 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:46 Apfel.local Google Chrome[2866] <Error>:
CGImageCreate: invalid image colorspace: NULL.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:47 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:47 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextCreate: unsupported parameter combination: 8 integer
bits/component; 8 bits/pixel; 0-component color space;
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst; 12 bytes/row.
Fri Sep 11 20:31:47 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetHeight: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:47 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGBitmapContextGetWidth: invalid context 0x0
Fri Sep 11 20:31:47 Apfel.local Google Chrome Helper[2871] <Error>:
CGContextSaveGState: invalid context 0x0

Since this potentially makes the 207 dev release unusable on all SL boxes
(not sure, but true in 100% of all samples I've seen so far), I will make  
this a
P0. If this turns out to not happen on all SL installations, reprioritize.

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