Comment #6 on issue 29905 by Support per-datatype GetUpdates

In Bug 29836, we came to the decision that a mime type on the SyncEntity would be redundant -- the type can be inferred from the object properties, in particular the presence of various EntitySpecifics extensions. I agree that there's not too much
sense in adding the mime-type string to the protocol.

But it looks like we definitely will need to add a "supported object types" indicator
to GetUpdatesRequest.  The possible ideas are:

Most straightforward would be to add a datatype enum { FOLDERS, BOOKMARKS,
CHROMIUM_PREFS, AUTOFILL, ... } and have a repeated field of this enum type in the GetUpdatesMessage. When this field is not present, the server would assume the
default value of [FOLDERS, BOOKMARKS] for backwards compatibility.

A slightly more complex alternative would be to add a single non-repeated
EntitySpecifics field to the GetUpdatesMessage, and use the presence of multiple empty-but-present extension messages to indicate that these were supported types. The main advantage here is that sync.proto does not have to enumerate every datatype explicitly. One tricky thing is how to handle folders, which currently don't have an EntitySpecifics extension associated with them -- adding an "is folder" additional bit would be a nonorthogonal, so we may want to add a datatype extension to encapsulate
the top-level Chrome folders.

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