        Status: Assigned
        Cc: ism...@chromium.org

Comment #5 on issue 30156 by ism...@chromium.org: Need implementation of NetworkStatusMonitorTask for OS X

Tested on: Chrome version: 4.0.302.0 r36504

Still able to reproduce the Issue.

Steps to repro:
a) Have 2 machines A and B , with chrome installed and bookmark sync enabled with the
same Google account.
b) Disconnect the n/w on machine A
c) Create a bookmark folder/page on the other machine B
c) Connect back the disconnected machine A and wait for 2-3 mins(infact latency
should be 5-10 secs)

Result: Bookmark sync is not happening on machine A.


- Bookmark sync happens on machine A , only when tried to create a bookmark or bookmark folder on Bookmarkbar , untill then it doesnt responds. This happens every time.
Quit and relaunch of chrome helps.

Expected: Bookmark sync should be dynamic even after the n/w re-connection.

Please let us know if this non-dynamic nature is expected after n/w disconnection?


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