On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 9:42 AM, Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When we implement SSLClientSocket on linux,
> we can do it with one-thread-per-connection,
> or with nonblocking I/O.
> Since all socket I/O goes through the browser process,
> one thread per connection would limit us to
> however many stacks fit in the address space
> (on my box, with the default stack size, about 380).
> Seems obvious to me that we want nonblocking rather than
> one-thread-per-connection, but I figured I'd mention the
> choice before we start plunging into the port.

I think in general we've avoided using threads for networking except
where absolutely necessary -- the only instance that comes to mind is
DNS resolution.  I think nonblocking better matches what we're doing
on Windows.

> There's another design choice to make:
> whether to write an NSPR I/O layer so we can use
> our own TCPClientSocket for all network I/O,
> or bypass TCPClientSocket and let nss do its
> own I/O.  Wan-teh suggests the latter is easier in
> http://developer.mozilla.org/En/PR_ImportTCPSocket
> but I think that requires us to use
> http://developer.mozilla.org/en/PR_Poll to do
> I/O multiplexing in MessagePumpForIO,
> and to base TCPClientSocket on NSPR.
> In previous discussion with Darin, it seemed we
> wanted to use epoll rather than poll.   This
> implies that we want to not use NSPR for our
> network I/O, and thus implies that we want to
> write an NSPR I/O layer so we can do our own
> network I/O rather than letting nss do it via nspr.

Here are some other considerations that might influence your decision:
 - does about:network monitor only TCPClientSocket connections, or am
I at the wrong abstraction level?  if it does, then it would be good
for SSL to fall into the same category
 - is there an interaction here with the max-connections-per-host limit?
I don't have anything useful to say, really.  The latter option sounds
better to me.

> Happily, Howard Chu recently posted a partial
> example of how to do the latter,
> http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.tech.crypto/msg/af4b5b6c71b70702
> I think the next step might be for me to write an
> app demonstrating how to handle 500
> simultanous ssl connections using nss and libevent.

Above you wrote "epoll" but here you write "libevent".  Do you have a
If you want libevent, might I suggest libev
(http://software.schmorp.de/pkg/libev.html)?  It's based on libevent
but without the obnoxious advertising clause.  But any extra library
dependency brings us again to the 64/32-bit library distribution
issues that have been super-annoying.

> Having done this once before with openssl,
> I expect this will be a pain.  But what the heck,
> it should be fun, too.

Aw, I recently did something similar with gnutls and it wasn't bad.
Remember that openssl is generally the upper bound on how difficult a
library can be to use.  :)

One final suggestion: since we're nearing completion on the webkit
branch merge landing, we'll soon begin poking into more of webkit.  It
would be useful for parallelization of development if we had a working
HTTP stack sooner rather than waiting longer for both HTTP+HTTPS.  So
if you can land TCPClientSocket before dealing with all the NSS
complexity I think that would be useful.

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