On Mon, Mar 23, 2009 at 10:41 AM, Jeremy Orlow <jor...@google.com> wrote:

> Ian, are you OK with #1?  (I ask since I think you're the only one who's
> been concerned with it so far.)


> On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Michael Nordman <micha...@chromium.org>wrote:
>> +chromium-dev.
>> On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 9:30 AM, John Abd-El-Malek <j...@chromium.org>wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Jeremy Orlow <jor...@chromium.org>wrote:
>>>> *If you don't care where various bits of the localStorage
>>>> implementation live and you aren't scared about letting stuff out of the
>>>> sandbox, you can stop reading now.*
>>>> *
>>>> *
>>>> Background:
>>>> For those who don't know the spec by heart:  SessionStorage can be
>>>> thought of as 'tab local' storage space for each origin.  LocalStorage is
>>>> shared across all browser windows of the same origin and is persistent.  
>>>> All
>>>> data is stored in key/value pairs where both the key and value are strings.
>>>>  It's possible to subscribe to DOM storage events.  Events and ease of use
>>>> are why a developer might use localStorage even though the database
>>>> interface exists.  The exact spec is here:
>>>> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/
>>>> *Where should the localStorage implementation live?
>>>> *
>>>> I'm planning on implementing localStorage very soon within Chromium.
>>>>  Unfortunately, how to do this is not very clearcut.  Here are all the
>>>> possibilities I know of so far:  (Note that I'm intentionally ignoring the
>>>> backing file format for now...as that debate will partially depend on how
>>>> it's implemented.)
>>>> 1)  The most obvious solution is to have have the browser process keep
>>>> track of the key/values for each origin and write it to disk.  The problem
>>>> with this approach is that we're allowing user supplied data to exist in
>>>> memory (possibly the stack at times, though we could probably avoid this if
>>>> we tried) outside of a sandbox.  Ian Fette (and I'm sure others) have 
>>>> pretty
>>>> big reservations for this reason.  That said, this is definitely the
>>>> simplest and cleanest solution, so if we can figure out something that 
>>>> we're
>>>> confident with security wise, this is how I'd like to do it.
>>> I really don't see the big issue here.  We already do this with renderer
>>> supplied data such as FORMs, POST, even really long URLs.  The main point is
>>> to ensure that we don't trust that data.
> Agreed.  (I meant to point this out and forgot.)
> There should bey very little being done with the data within the browser
> process.  There won't be any need to trust or even interpret the data--the
> browser process should just be a conduit.

Yeah, I might have been overly concerned when I talked with Jeremy as I
think I mis-interpreted exactly what was being done in the browser process.
Sorry about that.

>>>> 2)  What follows from #1 is simply pulling all the localStorage code
>>>> into its own (sandboxed) process.  The problem is that, unless a lot of the
>>>> internet starts using localStorage, it seems disproportionately heavy
>>>> weight.  Starting it on demand and killing it off if localStorage hasn't
>>>> been used for a while would mitigate.
>>>> 3)  A completely different solution is to use shared memory + the code
>>>> recently written to pass file handles between processes.  The shared memory
>>>> would be used to coordinate between processes and to store key/val data.
>>>> One render process for each origin will take responsibility for syncing 
>>>> data
>>>> to disk.  Event notifications can occur either via IPC (though sharing
>>>> key/val data can NOT for latency/responsiveness reasons) or shared
>>>> memory--whichever is easier.  Obviously the chief problem with this is
>>>> memory usage.  I'm sure it'll also be more complex and have a greater
>>>> bug/exploit cross section.
>>>> 4)  A variation of #3 would be to keep all key/val data in the file and
>>>> only use shared memory for locking (if necessary).  I'm not going to 
>>>> discuss
>>>> the implementation details because I don't want us to get hung up on them,
>>>> but the general idea would be for each process to have an open file handle
>>>> for their origin(s) and somehow (shared memory, flock, etc) coordinate with
>>>> the other processes.  This will almost certainly be slower than memory (if
>>>> nothing else, due to system calls) but it'll use less memory and possibly 
>>>> be
>>>> easier to make secure.
>>>> 5)  One last option is to layer the whole thing on top of the HTML 5
>>>> database layer.  Unfortunately, there's no efficient way for this layer to
>>>> support events.  Even hooking directly into sqlite won't work since its
>>>> triggers layer apparently only notifies you (i.e. works) if the
>>>> insert/delete/update happens in your own process.  Of course sqlite can be
>>>> the backing for any other option, but please, let's hold off on that
>>>> discussion for now.
>>> It seems that either way you have to build your own custom notification
>>> system in order to alert all renderer processes if a url they have loaded
>>> has updated storage values.  Why not use sqlite in each renderer process
>>> then, with this system build on top of it?
> Well, that's the other option, but I think it makes the system a lot more
> complicated.  In addition, #1 fits in much better with webkit's existing
> model for localStorage (though I'm still not sure if that means I'll be able
> to reuse most of the code or not).
> Also, one central broker (i.e. the browser process) will make handling
> http://dev.w3.org/html5/webstorage/#threads correctly much less complex.
>  Basically, events, locking, and the storing of data will all be done in the
> same code paths with the same messages, rather than having
> 3 separate systems.  (I know this is kind of hand-wavy, but I've given it
> some thought, and I really do think it'll blow up complexity wise.  If
> anyone is doubtful and wants me to explain further, I can try.)
>>>> *So here are my questions:*
>>>> How paranoid should we be about passing a user created string to the
>>>> browsing process and having it send the data on to the renderer and some
>>>> backend like sqlite?
>> Good question.
>> 100% of the untrusted web content that ends up in sandboxed processes ends
>> up flowing thru the browser process, and much of it gets cached on disk.
>> Every page and embedded resource, script generated values of in form posts,
>> cookie strings etc, all of it is resides in the process browser for a time
>> and on disk. This content is no different... so how paranoid... since its
>> not interpreted, we shouldn't be overly concerned with this.
>> This does not share the same security concerns as the Database or as
>> Workers because the untrusted content is not interpreted in a way that
>> carries security risks in a trusted process. In the Database case, we don't
>> want to interpret untrusted SQL commands out of the sandbox. Ditto workers +
>> script.
>>>> Do we trust sqlite enough to use it outside of a sandbox?  (Hopefully,
>>>> because we're already doing this, right?  If not are there other mechanisms
>>>> for storing the data on disk that we do trust?)
>>>> Would we feel more comfortable with #1 if the renderer processes somehow
>>>> mangled the keys and values before sending them out?  For example, they
>>>> could base64 encode them or even do something non-deterministic so that
>>>> attackers have no guarantee about what the memory would look like that's
>>>> passing through the browser process?
>>>> And, most importantly, which option seems best to you?  (Or is there an
>>>> option 6 that I missed?)  I'd rank them 1, 2, 4, 3 personally.
>> #1
>> >>

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