I agree.. reading this as someone slated for duty tomorrow got me thinking
about one pseudo-related question / point.  I know lots of time people cram
stuff into the tree status to explain who is working on which red bit, and
what tests are flaky today and we (sheriffs or someone watching the tree)
shouldn't immediately freak out and shut things down for.  That doesn't
scale so well when there are several things going on.  And sometimes it
isn't written anywhere, so you have to ask on IRC.  That's fine, but it
presents a race condition if you're not in the channel at the right time so
you have to keep asking, unless you're always on IRC and can cleverly search
the window contents.  A constant place to go looking for this would make it
easier, at least in my opinion.  Like right now I don't know what's up with
Chromium Mac (valgrind) or Webkit dbg (1&2) to name a few; they're red but
the tree is open.
The only thing that comes to mind at the moment is a spreadsheet or
something we can easily jot down and track currently known problem areas.  A
real-time tactical plan of sorts, to help sheriffs and anyone else that's
interested.  We could link to / embed this with a hover-over or something on
the waterfall.  Maybe that is too much overhead. There's possibly a more
usable way to do this, I haven't given it much thought.  Has anyone else
thought about this in the past?

On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Jim Roskind <j...@chromium.org> wrote:

> If that was not enough of a trick question:
> Suppose you checkin with 5 other people at the same time, and the tree goes
> red as a consequence of that group's landing, but you are "sure" you didn't
> break the tree.  Are YOU responsible to help fix it?
> Answer: *YES*, you are responsible.
> For me, all too often (surely more than once) I've been dead sure,
> absolutely sure, positively sure, it was not me.... but it WAS me.
> When the tree goes red, it is the responsibility of ALL persons that
> committed in that group to repair the tree, or to talk to each other *and*
> the sheriff.
> It is not the sheriff's job to revert.... The sheriff is the fallback, when
> for good or bad reasons engineers drop the ball, and shirk their
> responsibility.
> If you're part of a group that adds color to the tree, and you don't
> *offer* to revert, and explain (and convince other's) that it wasn't you,
> then you are adding to the pile up.  Not talking, explaining, and hanging
> around ends up causing other folks (including clueless sheriffs like me) to
> spend a lot of time evaluating your patch vs the others in your group.  By
> not talking, by not watching, by not helping to clear the redness, an
> engineer makes the repair take longer.  (...and of course, makes it ...
> er... um.... less pleasant to be a sheriff).
> If you don't have enough time to hang out, and wait till the FULL impact
> (not just compilation) is seen in the tree, then get a buddy (or someone on
> IRC?) to take help you fulfill your responsibility, or just wait till later
> to land.
> Please fly and land responsibly.
> Thanks,
> Jim (today's sheriff... but hopefully speaking of behalf of all sheriffs)
> >

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