Chromium's buildbot now provides *automated monitoring of performance test
regressions*.  This new monitoring system alerts committers and sheriffs on
the buildbot waterfall of regressions and speedups in select performance

*What this means if you're a committer:*
When you land a CL that affects Chromium's performance today, tests that
measure performance could turn red or orange because of your CL's
performance impact.  If you or anyone else notices a perf regression from
your change (eg. the sheriff), please revert your change asap.  Performance
is a key feature in Chromium, and regressing performance robs Chromium --
and your fellow developers -- of the work that's gone into making that
feature a reality.

In some cases reverting might not be straightforward, but reverting early on
ensures Chromium's performance doesn't regress while you get the space and
time necessary to address the unexpected performance impact of your CL
before landing again.

*What this means if you update reference builds:*
Changing a reference build for a platform now also requires reconfiguring
all of the expected performance values for that platform.  See the Performance
for more info.  In the best case this will simply mean setting each
affected value to 0 with the appropriate variances.

*Not all perf test failures are perf regressions:*
Performance tests can and will still fail if the test harness or slave
itself fails running a test.  When diagnosing why a test is red, regressions
or speedups are denoted with the text "PERF_REGRESS" or "PERF_IMPROVE" in
the test's status detail.  (An example of a XP Perf morejs
 If you don't see the regress/improve line, look at the test's output for
whether the failure was due to a crash in the harness or some other test

*False positives can happen:*
Most performance test results vary between test runs.  This new perf
monitoring system comes with independent variance settings to keep tests
from triggering a failure/warning unless the results surpass those variance
limits. Should a test run produce abnormal results, though, a false positive
will occur.  We will do our best to keep the noise down.  The good news is
that the handful of times noise appeared it was later found to be caused by
a subtle-yet-very-real underlying performance change.

*Where to learn more:*
Read Chromium's Performance Test
for info along with a description for how we configure the expectations the
system uses.  The number of performance expectations will increase over time
-- we're currently watching 6 traces with plans to add another 10 soon -- so
feel free to familiarize yourself with the new system.  And feel free to
mail me ( if you have any questions.

Thanks to Nicolas, Marc-Antoine, Pam, Darin, and Steven for the help and
input they provided to me while adding this feature.


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