Evan Stade wrote:
> There's a checkbox in the external protocol dialog with the text
> "Remember my choice for all links of this type." (On windows and
> linux, this is not actually implemented, but there are bugs out to fix
> that) The options are then "Cancel" and "Launch Application". The
> conflict here is that in general Cancel is supposed to not do
> anything, hence it can't honor the "Remember my choice for all links
> of this type" option. So that checkbox should either be renamed
> "Always allow this protocol", and not allow the user to always block
> that protocol, or the cancel button should be renamed to "don't launch
> app" or equivalent.

I agree with this 100%.  When Avi implemented this dialog on the Mac,
I was really mean about it and I wouldn't let him make the "remember"
checkbox actually remember anything as long as the button's text
remained "Cancel".

The button label should change to "Don't Launch" or something along
those lines.  Leaving it at Cancel is ambiguous.


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