On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Avi Drissman <a...@chromium.org> wrote:
> If we had something like:
> "plugins": {
>   "mac": ...
>   "win": ...
>   "linux": ...
> }

FWIW, one reason to avoid this sort of thing is that there is really
no single thing called "linux" to target.  For example, because our
builds of Chrome off the buildbot are built against the Debian-derived
libnss so they will run on Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint) but
not any others (Fedora/SUSE/Gentoo/Arch/etc.) without hacks.  (I guess
you could have the manifest say you target LSB 3.2 or something.)
Distributing binaries on Linux = sadness, as the Flash guys will tell

I imagine there are similar (though smaller scale) incompatibilities
between major revs of OS X and Windows.  Like say a plugin depends on
DirectX 17 which is only available on Windows 7.

In summary, all I offer you is more problems and the plea that we
should really really deter people from doing this kind of thing.  I
imagine a dystopian future where we have a per-extension appsupport
matrix on the install page ("Works on x86-based ChromeOS but not
arm-based ChromeOS" or whatever).

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