> > I used a custom action with success and I believe that sounds better for
> > module updates purposes.
> We used to do things like that in the pre-GYP days.  When we moved our
> builds over to GYP, we decided that it wasn't anywhere near
> worthwhile.  It inflated build times (autoconf's configure is SLOW)
> and was difficult to capture dependency data properly and get the
> output in the right place.  I don't recommend adding configure steps
> when you can configure once for the platforms you need and check the
> results in.

I see. Well, if you see GYP as a self-contained tool, support for
configure sounds pretty handy especially for those who do not care
about first make call being slow. I'd say user might specify both
input and output files (being optional).

Is there a wishlist? I'd like to vote for support for both configure
step and .proto files.

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