On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 6:24 PM, Colin Bleckner <co...@xmarks.com> wrote:
> I'm having some issues with communication between content scripts and my
> extension.  I can't tell if this is because I'm doing something wrong,
> if there's a bug, or if there's just a better way to do things.  All of
> the examples I've seen have been one way communication, but I'm trying
> to get a response back from my request.  Right now I'm doing that by
> establishing a connection from the content script using
> chrome.extension.connect.  When the background page gets a message from
> the content script, it does a little bit of work and then creates a new
> connection using chrome.tabs.connect (with a different channel name).
> It then attempts to send a response back in this new channel.
> The content script has a listener for the response channel, but it
> doesn't seem to get called.  Is this the correct way to be doing this or
> is there a better way to send messages back and forth?  While debugging
> everything works correctly occasionally (if I hit break points and wait
> at certain times), which makes me think there might be some sort of race
> condition.  But I've tried a bunch of things to ensure that both
> channels up set up correctly and nothing I do creates a stable
> connection between the two.
> Any ideas?

I'm not sure what the issue is, but there is a really easy API to just
make a single request to the background page and get a response. See:



- a


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