Hi everyone, I am here to write about a functionality that I believe
Google has been lacking for ages and that I have been dreaming about
for at least 2 or 3 years.

Many of us use Gmail's huge storing capacities for storing some
documents by sending them to ourselves (an interesting pdf found on
the net, some conference notes, a cover letter that we wrote, etc)

The problem is that these e-mails are quite often unlabeled and tend
to slowly "disappear" under the ocean of new mails after just a few
days. As a result they become very hard to find unless you clearly
remember the file and some keywords that it contains.

Therefore I think there is a huge need for a functionality/program/
extension which could display all of your received/sent files,
classifying them by date / type.

I think such an extension could exist but i have NO EXPERIENCE OR
SKILLS IN JAVASCRIPT, which is why I need your help, either by sharing
your knowledge with me (good!) or accepting to spend one or two hours
doing it yourself (waaay better!).

In a perfect world, this extension should be able to:

-create a button in Chrome
-scan all mails in Gmail for mails with attached files
-list them and classify them by date or type in order to avoid doubles
(files that you have been working on and sending to yourself or to
colleagues several times)
-give the user the choice of the classification
-show this list in a new window/tab with the appropriate icons, name
of the file, date and size and the possibility to display the mail it
is related to

People who know something about Chromium: do you think this is
possible? Is it feasible?

I have been watching the procedures to create extension but I need
someone skilled in JavaScript for this I believe. Can you pleaaaaase
help me with this ?
Thanks everyone for reading, see you around there



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