OS: Ubuntu 8.04 x86-64

>From my experiences over the last couple of days it appears that
Chrome has inconsistent enforcement of ports in the extensions
permissions set that leads to a lot of frustration.

In my case I had included "http://localhost:8080/*"; in the permissions
set because my extension needs to talk to a local server. The problem
I encountered is that Chrome will let the xhr connect to the server,
but then 'reject' the response from the server. By reject, I mean:

xhr.readyState = 4
xhr.status = 0
xhr.responseText = null.

Once I removed the port number from my permissions entry, Chrome
allowed the response through.

This inconsistency implied that my server was not setting HTML
response codes correctly, so I spent a while digging through that. To
make matters worse, the same xhr code was working absolutely fine with
other servers out on the net (that I had included in the permissions

I'm not familiar with the XHR security architecture so I cannot
comment if this is expected behavior or not. But at the least it seems
inconsistent. Can I ask that the relevant documentation, and please be
updated to discuss this behavior?


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