I've submitted first bug report now (maybe the only one!): 


On Jan 11, 9:54 pm, Manticore <mantic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> George, Thanks for your reply!
> >>Though the previous versions would just ingore such issues, this one
> >> - and thats a good thing since we are forced to make our extensions
> >> stable & valid - will not, resulting in crashes.
> I'm pretty strict on defining variable etc, but I'm sure I could have
> missed it somewhere. Though, the extensions should not crash if they
> have undefined variables etc - there should be exceptions shown.
> Thanks for your tips, I'll try it.
> @Adam Barth
> >>Would you be willing to file a bug with some test cases?  Extensions
> >>shouldn't be able to crash a tab or the browser.  (Also, it would be
> >>helpful if you let me know the bug number.)
> Sure, I'll try that. Not sure I will be able to make it though, as the
> problems usually occurs when it's all connected.
> Thanks!
> On Jan 10, 10:24 pm, Adam Barth <aba...@chromium.org> wrote:
> > Would you be willing to file a bug with some test cases?  Extensions
> > shouldn't be able to crash a tab or the browser.  (Also, it would be
> > helpful if you let me know the bug number.)
> > Thanks,
> > Adam
> > On Sun, Jan 10, 2010 at 12:36 PM, George Papadakis
> > <phaiston...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > 288.1 is a way less forgiving version compared to the previous ones.
> > > Make sure all your variables are defined, and that yout DOM references
> > > are valid. Though the previous versions would just ingore such issues,
> > > this one - and thats a good thing since we are forced to make our
> > > extensions stable & valid - will not, resulting in crashes.
> > > I spent more than an hour debugging extensions after this release came
> > > out, and I was amazed so many things were not done right, still they
> > > just worked.
> > > What's frustrating is that there is no kind of pre-logging or any
> > > other way to debug those crashes.
> > > Still, you can alwaty apply the traditional "alert and return"
> > > methodology.
> > > Good luck.
> > > On Jan 10, 8:03 pm, Manticore <mantic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > >> Hi,
> > >> I've been debugging my extension now for hours and haven't been able
> > >> to pinpoint the problem to a certain method or even file, thus making
> > >> it quite hard to describe the problem here. I'll try to describe as
> > >> detailed as I can.
> > >> The crashings started after the dev updated from version 266 to 288.1.
> > >> The extension was working fully on the 266 version and hasn't been
> > >> changed since.
> > >> I have tried disabling methods/features one after one to see if it
> > >> helps, and these are things that have helped (but didn't solve
> > >> totally):
> > >> - Removed a method that calls the background page from popup before
> > >> 'load' has fired.
> > >> - Removed 'unload' handler that calls a method in background page.
> > >> - Removed timers from background page.
> > >> - Removing sendRequest calls from bg.
> > >> It's really hard to know why the extension is crashing as it just
> > >> disappears without any exceptions shown. Is there any log file saved
> > >> somewhere where I can read the exceptions?
> > >> Are there any major (or minor, for that matter) changes to the
> > >> extension system between 266 to 288.1?
> > >> Another weird behavior is that sometimes when my extension crashes,
> > >> another (to me random) extension crashes too.
> > >> The extension I'm talking about 
> > >> is:https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/hgjdhckebbdoobhniheihpdog...
> > >> I realize I'm very diffuse here, but I will appreciate any help I can
> > >> get.
> > > --
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