For the life of me, and can't get a simple test alert box to show up.
I want to tool around with pages on for example, and to
test some things I want to pop up an alert box when the page is done
loading.  I can't seem to get it to fire at all, and was hoping
someone could clarify things for me?

My manifest.json only has a "matches" and "js" section under
        "name": "Testing",
        "version": "1.0",
        "description": "TEST",
        "content_script": [
                        "matches": ["*";],
                        "js": ["pat.js"]


I thought this would be enough to inject my js into the page.  The
pat.js file contains only an alert:


But this doesn't ever seem to fire.  Could anyone help me grasp flow
by maybe posting an example here?  I appreciate the help!

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