On Sun, 3 Feb 2013, ray vantassle wrote:

Debian system, without a RTC.  So at bootup the time is zero.

At startup, 32 seconds into startup,  /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate
invokes ntpdate-debian, which starts a ntpdate which takes about 14
seconds to finish.

So why are you using ntpdate?

Chronyd starts at about 37 seconds into startup, before the ntpdate is
done.  There is a clash, and chronyd gets stuck in some state where it
never syncs up.

Syslog clip:

Dec 31 18:00:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: chronyd version 1.27 starting
Dec 31 18:00:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Linux kernel major=3 minor=2 patch=35
Dec 31 18:00:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: hz=100 shift_hz=7
freq_scale=1.00000000 nominal_tick=10000 slew_delta_tick=833
max_tick_bias=1000 shift_pll=2
Dec 31 18:00:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Frequency 99963.989 +/-
233363.911 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/chrony.drift

This reading from chrony.drift is absurd. Where did it come from?

Dec 31 18:00:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: NTP packet received from
unauthorised host port 123

I guess ntpdate's return packet comes back and is intercepted by chrony.
So why are you using ntpdate? And you might tell ntpdate ( which is a dead end
program and is being phased out by the ntpd people) to use a different port
than the ntp  port.

And why do you not tell chronyd to start up later> Or not run ntpdate at all.

"Doctor, my head hurts when I bang it against a brick wall."

Dec 31 18:00:40 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Source online
Dec 31 18:00:40 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Source online
Dec 31 18:00:40 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Source online
Dec 31 18:00:40 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Source online
Feb  3 21:52:34 PogoPlug ntpdate[1427]: step time server
offset 1359949910.330424 sec

So chrony steps the clock.

Feb  3 21:52:35 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Selected source
Feb  3 21:52:35 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: System clock wrong by 0.699306
seconds, adjustment started
Feb  3 21:52:35 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Required tick -1999 outside
allowed range (9000 .. 11000)

It is finding that the rate of your clock is way way way too slow.

Feb  3 21:52:37 PogoPlug chronyd[1894]: Can't synchronise: no majority

Some queries:
PogoPlug>chronyc tracking
Reference ID    : ()

So you have a local time set?

Stratum         : 10
Ref time (UTC)  : Mon Feb  4 04:13:07 2013
System time     : 0.000000000 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : -0.699305534 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.699305534 seconds
Frequency       : 100027.977 ppm fast

Yes, absurd.

Residual freq   : 0.000 ppm
Skew            : 0.000 ppm
Root delay      : 0.000000 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.000001 seconds
Update interval : 0.0 seconds
Leap status     : Not synchronised

PogoPlug>chronyc sourcestats
210 Number of sources = 4
Name/IP Address            NP  NR  Span  Frequency  Freq Skew  Offset  Std Dev
ntp2.ResComp.Berkeley.EDU   5   4   43y    1000000      0.023   +1247s  2210ms                 3   2   43y    1000000      0.381   -295ms   702ms
clock.team-cymru.org        4   4   43y    1000000      0.061   +1247s  2324ms
irc.indoforum.org           9   5   17m    -111174     11.769  -138.8s  2563us

PogoPlug>chronyc sources
210 Number of sources = 4
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^x ntp2.ResComp.Berkeley.EDU     3   8   370   20m   -346ms[ -346ms] +/-   97ms
^x                   2  10     0   20m   -295ms[ -295ms] +/-   62ms
^x clock.team-cymru.org          2   9   200   20m   -273ms[ -273ms] +/-   19ms
^x irc.indoforum.org             2   8   377   212  -115.8s[-115.8s] +/-   90ms

And you are using irc.indoforum.org why?

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