Thanks for the answer.
Comments inline below.

Il 04/08/2015 11:00, Miroslav Lichvar ha scritto:
On Mon, Aug 03, 2015 at 10:56:51PM +0200, Mauro Condarelli wrote:
Absolute precision is not a requirement, I can tolerate errors of several 
seconds, but I cannot leave clocks to drift and rely on manual 

My  current /etc/chrony.conf is:
server 0.it.pool.ntp.org
server 1.it.pool.ntp.org
server 2.pool.ntp.org
server 3.pool.ntp.org

logdir /var/log/chrony
log statistics measurements tracking
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
keyfile /etc/chrony.keys
makestep 10 3
maxupdateskew 100.0
dumpdir /var/lib/chrony
rtcautotrim 1
rtcfile /var/lib/chrony/rtc

This, however, is far from being optimal for (at least) two reasons

1. If, for any reason (e.g.: battery disconnection), the RTC loses the right 
time Date is severely (several years) in the past for minutes, even if the 
system is connected to the Internet.
You can speed up the initial synchronization by adding the iburst
option to the server lines, or use the initstepslew directive. You
may also want to start chronyd with the -s option so it sets the
system clock from RTC with compensated drift.
I'll try, but explicit examples would be welcome, as I am a first-time user of 

2. In the above event, after several minutes, chrony announces it is going to step by 
several million seconds (as expected); shortly thereafter system dies... somewhat; i.e.: 
serial console and ssh are completely unresponsive, but "ping" gets an answer. 
Nothing is logged.
Hm, that's odd. Can you reproduce the problem by stepping the clock
manually with the date command, e.g. date -s '+ 1000000 sec' ?
not exactly.
I have the following log (interspersed are commads given via ssh on another 

Aug  4 20:19:16 ok-cash daemon.info avahi-daemon[555]: Registering new address 
record for on eth0.IPv4.
Aug  4 20:19:16 ok-cash daemon.info avahi-daemon[555]: Registering HINFO record 
with values 'ARMV5TEJL'/'LINUX'.
Aug  4 20:19:17 ok-cash daemon.info avahi-daemon[555]: Server startup complete. 
Host name is ok-cash.local. Local service cookie is 2363394918.
Aug  4 20:19:18 ok-cash auth.info sshd[569]: Server listening on port 
Aug  4 20:19:18 ok-cash daemon.info avahi-daemon[555]: Service "ok-cash" 
(/etc/avahi/services/ssh.service) successfully established.
Aug  4 20:19:18 ok-cash daemon.info avahi-daemon[555]: Service "ok-cash" 
(/etc/avahi/services/sftp-ssh.service) successfully established.
Aug  4 20:19:29 ok-cash auth.info sshd[577]: Accepted password for mcon from port 16309 ssh2
Aug  4 20:19:32 ok-cash authpriv.notice sudo:     mcon : TTY=pts/0 ; 
PWD=/home/mcon ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/su -
Aug  4 20:19:32 ok-cash auth.notice su: + /dev/pts/0 mcon:root
Aug  4 20:21:50 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Selected source
Aug  4 20:22:23 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -37.392 
Aug  4 20:22:49 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -3.106 
Aug  4 20:23:32 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -4.693 
Aug  4 20:24:15 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -5.170 
Aug  4 20:24:57 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -4.649 

/ # date -s '2025-01-07'
Tue Jan  7 00:00:00 CET 2025

Jan  7 00:00:00 ok-cash daemon.warn chronyd[494]: Forward time jump detected!
Jan  7 00:00:00 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Can't synchronise: no 
reachable sources
Jan  7 00:02:55 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Selected source
Jan  7 00:02:55 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Selected source
Jan  7 00:02:55 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Selected source
Jan  7 00:02:56 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -21.945 
Jan  7 00:03:37 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -5.648 
Jan  7 00:04:18 ok-cash daemon.info chronyd[494]: Trimming RTC, error = -5.348 

As You see it takes about 3 min to resync... but date is not really corrected.

I do not really understand these very large errors; shouldn't they decrease?


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