Hi there,

I'm trying to configure chrony on a Debian. I need a client, a server and a
packet authentication system (SHA2). If I understand, I can't use OpenSSL
(because the licence is not compatible with the Chrony's GPL licence), so I
need to use NSS. Am I right ?

For information, my server 's IP is, and my client's IP is

This is what I did:

1/ Installation script (Server and Client):
apt-get -y install build-essential libnss3 libnss3-dev
cd /tmp
wget http://download.tuxfamily.org/chrony/chrony-2.1.1.tar.gz
tar zxvf chrony-2.1.1.tar.gz
cd chrony-2.1.1
./configure  --prefix=/etc/chrony
make install

2/ Server configuration (/etc/chrony.conf)

# IPv4/IPv6:
server clock.nyc.he.net iburst
server clock.sjc.he.net iburst

# IPv4 only:
server time.keneli.org iburst
server bonehed.lcs.mit.edu iburst
server gnomon.cc.columbia.edu iburst

# Record the rate at which the system clock gains/losses time.
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift

# Enable kernel RTC synchronization.

# In first three updates step the system clock instead of slew
# if the adjustment is larger than 100 seconds.
makestep 100 3

# Allow client access from local network.

# Serve time even if not synchronized to any NTP server.
local stratum 6

keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys

# Specify the key used as password for chronyc.
commandkey 1

# Send a message to syslog if a clock adjustment is larger than 0.5 seconds.
logchange 0.5

logdir /var/log/chrony
log measurements statistics tracking

3/ Server's keyfile (/etc/chrony/chrony.keys)
1 titi
42 SHA256

4/ Client's configuration
server key 42
driftfile /var/lib/chrony/drift
keyfile /etc/chrony/chrony.keys
commandkey 2
initstepslew 20
logchange 0.5
logdir /var/log/chrony
log measurements statistics tracking

3/ Client's keyfile (/etc/chrony/chrony.keys)
1 toto
42 SHA256

Now, when I'm starting chrony, this is what I see (from the client, or from
the server, it's the same error):

root@client-chrony:~# /etc/chrony/sbin/chronyd -d
2015-10-15T15:52:43Z chronyd version 2.1.1 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK
2015-10-15T15:52:43Z Unknown hash function in key 42
2015-10-15T15:52:43Z Frequency -0.074 +/- 1000000.000 ppm read from
2015-10-15T15:52:47Z System's initial offset : 0.668897 seconds fast of
true (slew)
2015-10-15T15:52:49Z Source added with unknown key 42

"Unknown hash function in key 42"

So I suppose NSS isn't linked directly during the compilation, right ? But
what is the correct option to set ? Because when I read the "configuration"
file, this is what I find:

 --disable-sechash      Disable support for hashes other than MD5
  --without-nss          Don't use NSS even if it is available
  --without-tomcrypt     Don't use libtomcrypt even if it is available

Only "disable or without" things. So how can I configure Chrony to use NSS ?
For information, I have the same problem when I use "SHA1", but everything
is OK when I use MD5. Strange nop ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

PS: Sorry for my English level, it's not my mother tongue at all.

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