On 12/20/2017 09:01 AM, Bill Unruh wrote:
No idea if it will work, but you could put the IP address in instead of names
for your servers-- that way no dns is needed.

Found the URL:

In that list of servers, there is a field for each NTP time provider, "Use DNS". Many of the public servers in this table require that DNS be used with their service. Here is one entry from the table:

ServerStratum   StratumTwo
CountryCode     US NV
Hostname        time2.nv.skyfiberinternet.com
IP Address
IPv6 Address    

UseDNS  Yes
PoolMember      No
ServerLocation  Reno, Nevada, USA

A spot check shows that the owners of the servers want you to use DNS. Their server, their rules.

That means the Rules of Engagement makes how chronyd(8) currently handles NXDOMAIN (or no resolver) a bug.


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