On Mon, 10 Jul 2023, Calvin Arndt wrote:

[CAUTION: Non-UBC Email]

Thanks for reading and responding to my email Bill.

A little background.

While this server does belong to us, it was setup by a vendor and runs a very 
new centos knock off.

This vendors previous incarnations were all Centos 5, 6 and 7. Apparently 
something went BOOM in the Centos world

Apparently IBM/Redhat went BOOM and have refused to allow anyone who has not
bought Redhat to access any of the updates of the software. This sounds like
it is contrary to the GPL, but I guess that will take a while to work out in
the courts (either legal or public opinion).

and now I have a copy of "AlmaLinux release 8.6 (Sky Tiger)" I am neither 
impressed nor happy with it.

After about a year and a half running this server, I get this email:

[ Looks like the times are off in our POS system. 3:27 pm right now our POS 
system is saying 3:55 pm. Not a big deal
but if we need to prove something it might matter. ]

That was quite surprising to me! Centos being a well written RedHat knock off, 
comes preconfigured with a time
management solution. Looking around I find no time management solution installed. No 
biggie "yum install ntpdate"
should about do the trick. Imagine my surprise when I find no ntpdate package 
available! After some googling i find
this new kid on the block (chronyd) is available. So:

ntpdate is not a good procedure for setting clocks. It does not correct the
speed of the clock, and steps the clock. There is a flag to ntpd which allows
it to behave like ntpdate.

notmyserver:~# yum install chronyd

This is notmyserver and I'm not going to configure it for these people, so off to google 
to find an "update it now"
hack for chrony... 

I am really confused why you would want to use an ntpdate like hack for the
time control, instead of using either ntpd or chrony to continuously control
the clock, and give you way way better time accuracy. It is like running a car
(gasoline) without a flywheel. It is a horribly juddery and jerky ride.

That's how I got to where I am.

What it appears to me that you've said, is that indeed, it is a bug, in chronyd 

"set the system clock once and exit"

which it does not do every time, is a bug. 

Not sure why you mention "detach"

Since I don't start ssh with a controlling terminal, detaching shouldn't be an 

But maybe there's something going on there that you have a better grasp of than 

Anyway by now I'm sure you've figured out that I'm a debian, ubuntu etc kind of 

About the ntpdate comments. In all my 26ish years of running linux distros, I 
have never once ran up against

a bug in ntpdate. It has always worked for me. Why would anyone fix what isn't 

Because it is broken and has been since day 1. Its control of the clock is
terrible, and, if for some reason it stops working, the clock will run off
with a bad rate and rapidly be at the wrong time.  Chrony especially, will
have trimmed the clock so that both the time (offset) and the rate are as
close as possible to UTC.

Is there some reason why you cannot run chronyd  as a daemon, which constantly
adjusts both the rate and the offset to bring the system clock into sync with

I did go back over all my chronyd emails.

In every instance of getting the msg:

2023-04-12T05:15:02Z Fatal error : Another chronyd may already be running

on the day prior chronyd reported that it had exited:

2023-04-11T05:15:08Z chronyd exiting

Lichvar mentions that that bug in chony has been fixed in recent versions.

Thanks again for your time!


On 2023-07-07 12:28, Bill Unruh wrote:

      No idea really but the docs say
      When run in this mode, chronyd will set the system clock once and exit. 
It will not detach from the terminal.

      I would assume that if something gets in the way of setting the system 
      once, then it will not detach. Eg your network goes downand it cannot run 
      burst command. But it seems to me that you are doing exactly what the 
      docs say you should not do-- namely trying to use that command to control 
      clock by running it every hour or something. It is silly and produces 
very suboptimal results. Someone
      probably set up the system to use ntpdate sometime in the 90's and now
      you are using that command to do the same thing 30 years later. Just let 
      run as a daemon. It does not take up a lot of space nor does it take up a 
      of computing time.

      William G. Unruh __| Canadian Institute for|____ Tel: +1(604)822-3273
      Physics&Astronomy _|___ Advanced Research _|____ Fax: +1(604)822-5324
      UBC, Vancouver,BC _|_ Program in Cosmology |____ un...@physics.ubc.ca
      Canada V6T 1Z1 ____|____ and Gravity ______|_    theory.physics.ubc.ca/

      On Fri, 7 Jul 2023, Calvin Arndt wrote:

            [CAUTION: Non-UBC Email]

            chronyd -q should perform requested operation then exit.
            It should never stay running.
            I start chrony daily via cron from another machine.
            15 00 * * * ssh root@ "chronyd -q 'pool pool.ntp.org 

            This works for a while...

2023-06-07T05:15:01Z chronyd version 4.2 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC 

            +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG)
            2023-06-07T05:15:01Z Initial frequency -12.651 ppm
            2023-06-07T05:15:06Z System clock wrong by -0.001617 seconds (step)
            2023-06-07T05:15:06Z chronyd exiting

            Then for seemingly no reason:

2023-07-06T05:15:01Z chronyd version 4.2 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC 

            +NTS +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG)
2023-07-06T05:15:01Z Fatal error : Another chronyd may already be running 
(pid=1141), check /run/chrony/chronyd.pid

            So I start killing it an hour before via cron.
            14 00 * * * ssh root@ "kill `pidof chronyd`|&grep -v 

            This works fine for a month or so and then wala its back again.
            This should never happen.

            Affected machine is a centos clone distro.
             Calvin Arndt
            (217) 377-2979

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