Dear all,

chuck- (chai) has been released:

WebChuck & IDE have also been updated to

what's new? (full release notes)

Some highlights
This release ( updates a long-standing policy regarding `return`statements in function declarations (see below); added @array.sort(); added new command-line option (--pid-file), useful for process monitoring in long-running installations; general bug fixes and stability improvements.

NEW: the chuck compiler now rejects non-void function definitions in which not all control paths return a value, and will print a compiler error in the form of:

  "error: not all control paths in 'fun int f()' return a value"

RATIONALE: while *** this may break some existing code (apologies!) *** that assumed the previous return semantics (or forgot to return a value or accidentally declared a function as returning something when it should return `void`), we believe this change will be more beneficial in the long term and will lead to clearer, more intentional code.

FYI much has been added recently between and
  * new for-each loop syntax for iterating through arrays (
  * enhanced and more accurate compiler error reporting; now
    highlights code and pinpointing error location in code (
  * detection and reporting for out-of-order dependencies (
    ...the cause of much mysterious behavior and crashing previously
  * color terminal support for CLI chuck (
  * expanded class library support in IO, random number generation,
    Machine.eval(), chugins management, and array
  * new features in CLI chuck, miniAudicle, WebChucK & IDE
  * (developer) streamlined c++ integration for those wishing to
    incorporate ChucK core into other c++ hosts (

Our work is never done. Here's to supporting research, teaching, and art-making.

Keep on ChucKin'
ChucK Team
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Ge Wang
Associate Professor
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA)
Department of Music (also Computer Science, by Courtesy)
Stanford University
Artful Design: Technology in Search of the Sublime!
-- what we make, makes us --
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