I have done some research into Hastings and his background and it
raises several questions about his psychology and also the accuracy of
his historical writings.

Max Hastings was a child rejected by both parents.  His mother, Anne
Scott-James, (a notable journalist), was a thrice married feminist
who, (according to an article written and implied by Hastings
himself), seemed to spend more time at Oxford University worrying
about her next male conquest:


Despite the unhappy relationship with his mother, Hastings followed
her into journalism, and also, it appears, (according to his Wikipedia
profile), the divorce courts.  When Hastings decided to side with his
'selfish' father over his parents divorce, Anne Scott-James wrote him
out of her will.  "If I'd murdered her," Hastings wrote in a recent
article, "no jury would have convicted me."

Hastings blames his own parents divorce for the break-up of his first
marriage and thirty years of unhappiness he suffered, and as you can
read in the article linked below he takes no responsibility for his
marriage or its break-up whatsoever.


Also, it should be noted that, considering the above statement made by
Max Hastings about his mother, Hastings may be suffering from a metal
disorder, and psychologist do claim that mental illnesses can be
passed from parents to children, and Hastings own divorce may well
have been the primary cause of his own son Charles’ suicide in China
in 2000, an account of which can be found at:


Max Hastings stood up for his father MacDonald, against his mother,
despite the fact that he believed his father to be a 'selfish drunk',
who seemed to lack financial morals, especially when it came to his
own family.


Earlier this year, (2010), Hastings described his father through a
Daily Mail article:

He (Mac Hastings), was shameless in allowing her, (Anne) income to
take the strain for his own financial follies, and made no attempt to
adjust his lifestyle to his fluctuating fortunes, merely passing an
increasing proportion of bills across the dinner table to his wife.


In Max Hastings writings, his questionable and mostly inaccurate
statements of others, included former Prime Minister Sir Winston
Churchill and particularly focuses on his relationship with his wife


Hastings claims that Clementine Churchill feared her husband had
become corrupt.  This headline claim was clearly only made to sell the
story as nowhere in the article does Hastings attribute or provide
evidence of any possible corruption on Sir Winston Churchill’s part.

Hastings also claims that Churchill personally disliked Neville
Chamberlain and that the eulogy he offered of his former colleague was
not an accurate view that Churchill actually subscribed to.

Having briefly looked into the sully life of ‘Sir’ Max Hastings, his
drunk, over-spending father, his formidable but suicidal divorcee
mother, and many of the inaccuracies in the articles written by
Hastings and sadly published by the Daily Mail, I believe the validity
of Max Hastings and his writings should now be questioned by an
audience of independent thinkers who actually value honest and
unbiased opinion.

With great respect to the Churchill Chat group, I humbly submit this
article in defence of the unsubstantiated claims made against Winston
Churchill III in Max Hastings recent article.  I submit this
information only to validate the fact that I believe Hastings is NOT
an accurate source of unbiased historical knowledge.

The article above has been researched over the internet through
editorials widely available to the general public.  Any personal
opinion stated is just that, personal opinion formed from the articles
written by Max Hastings.

I welcome all comments.

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