> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Boyle, Francis
> Sent: Friday, June 10, 2005 8:43 AM
> To: 'AALS Section on Minority Grps. mailing list' ('AALS Section on 
> Grps. mailing list')
> Subject: Campaign To Impeach Bush!
> National Campaign to Impeach President George W. Bush
> by
> Professor Francis A. Boyle
> Author, Destroying World Order (Clarity Press:  2004)
> Since the U.S. Supreme Court's installation of George W. Bush as 
President in
> January of 2001, the peoples of the world have witnessed a 
government in the
> United States of America that  demonstrates little if any respect 
> fundamental considerations of international law, international 
> and human rights, let alone appreciation of the requirements for 
> international peace and security. What the world has watched 
instead is a
> comprehensive and malicious assault upon the integrity of the 
> legal order by a group of men and women who are thoroughly 
Machiavellian in
> their perception of international relations and in their conduct of 
> foreign policy and domestic affairs. This is not simply a question 
of giving
> or withholding the benefit of the doubt when it comes to 
complicated matters
> of foreign affairs and defense policies to a U.S. government 
charged with the
> security of both its own citizens and those of its allies in 
Europe, the
> Western Hemisphere, and the Pacific. Rather, the Bush Jr. 
> foreign policies represent a gross deviation from those basic rules 
> international deportment and civilized behavior that the United 
> government had traditionally played the pioneer role in promoting 
for the
> entire world community. Even more seriously, in many instances 
> components of the Bush Jr. administration's foreign policies 
> ongoing criminal activity under well-recognized principles of both
> international law and U.S. domestic law, and in particular the 
> Charter, the Nuremberg Judgment, and the Nuremberg Principles.
> Depending upon the substantive issues involved, those international 
> typically include but are not limited to the Nuremberg offenses of 
> against peace, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as well as 
> breaches of the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the 1907 Hague 
> on land warfare, torture, disappearances, and assassinations. In 
> various members of the Bush Jr. administration committed numerous 
> crimes incidental to these substantive offenses that under the 
> Charter, Judgment, and  Principles were international crimes in 
their own
> right: viz., planning, preparation, solicitation, incitement, 
> complicity, attempt, aiding and abetting, etc. Of course the great 
irony of
> today's situation is that six decades ago at Nuremberg, 
representatives of the
> U.S. government participated in the prosecution, punishment and 
execution of
> Nazi government officials for committing some of the same types of 
> international crimes that members of the Bush Jr. administration 
> inflict upon people all around the world. To be sure, I personally 
oppose the
> imposition of capital punishment upon any person for any reason no 
matter how
> monstrous their crimes: Bush Jr., Tony Blair, Saddam Hussein, 
> Milosevic, Vladimir Putin, Ariel Sharon, my former client John 
Wayne Gacy,
> etc.
> Furthermore, according to basic principles of international 
criminal law, all
> high-level civilian officials and military officers in the U.S. 
government who
> either knew or should have known that soldiers or civilians under 
> control committed or were about to commit international crimes, and 
failed to
> take the measures necessary to stop them, or to punish them, or 
both, are
> likewise personally responsible for the commission of international 
> This category of officialdom who actually knew or at least should 
have known
> of the commission of such substantive or inchoate international 
crimes under
> their jurisdiction and failed to do anything about it typically 
includes the
> Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, Director of Central 
> the National Security Adviser, the Attorney General, the Pentagon's 
> Chiefs of Staff and regional CINCs, and presumably the President 
and Vice
> President. These U.S. government officials and their immediate 
> among others, were personally responsible for the commission or at 
> complicity in the commission of crimes against peace, crimes 
against humanity,
> and war crimes as specified by the Nuremberg Charter, Judgment, and 
> - at a minimum.  In international legal terms, the Bush Jr. 
> itself should be viewed as constituting an ongoing criminal 
conspiracy under
> international criminal law.
> Consequently, on Tuesday 11 March 2003, with the Bush Jr. 
administration's war
> of aggression against Iraq staring the American People, Congress 
and Republic
> in their face, Congressman John Conyers of Michigan, the Ranking 
Member of the
> House Judiciary Committee (which has jurisdiction over Bills of 
> convened an emergency meeting of forty or more of his top advisors, 
most of
> whom were lawyers.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and 
> immediately putting into the U.S. House of Representatives Bills of
> Impeachment against President Bush Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney, 
> of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and then Attorney General John Ashcroft 
in order
> to head off the impending war.  Congressman Conyers kindly 
requested that
> Ramsey Clark and I come to the meeting in order to argue the case 
> impeachment.    
> This impeachment debate lasted for two hours.  It was presided over 
> Congressman Conyers, who quite correctly did not tip his hand one 
way or the
> other on the merits of impeachment.  He simply moderated the debate 
> Clark and I, on the one side, favoring immediately filing Bills of 
> against Bush Jr. et al. to stop the threatened war, and almost 
everyone else
> there who were against impeachment for partisan political reasons.  
> no point would be served here by attempting to digest a two-hour-
long vigorous
> debate among a group of well-trained lawyers on such a 
controversial matter at
> this critical moment in American history.  But at the time I was 
struck by the
> fact that this momentous debate was conducted at a private office 
right down
> the street from the White House on the eve of war.
> Suffice it to say that most of the "experts" there opposed 
impeachment not on
> the basis of enforcing the Constitution and the Rule of Law, whether
> international or domestic, but on the political grounds that it 
might hurt the
> Democratic Party effort to get their presidential candidate elected 
in the
> year 2004.  As a political independent, I did not argue that 
point.  Rather, I
> argued the merits of impeaching Bush Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld, and 
Ashcroft under
> the United States Constitution, U.S. federal laws, U.S. treaties 
and other
> international agreements to which the United States is a party, 
etc.  Article
> VI of the U.S. Constitution provides that treaties "shall be the 
supreme Law
> of the Land."  This so-called Supremacy Clause of the U.S. 
Constitution also
> applies to international executive agreements concluded under the 
auspices of
> the U.S. President such as the 1945 Nuremberg Charter.
> Congressman Conyers was so kind as to allow me the closing argument 
in the
> debate.  Briefly put, the concluding point I chose to make was 
> The Athenians lost their democracy.  The Romans lost their 
Republic.  And if
> we Americans did not act now we could lose our Republic!  The 
United States of
> America is not immune to the laws of history!
> After two hours of most vigorous debate among those in attendance, 
the meeting
> adjourned with second revised draft Bills of Impeachment sitting on 
the table.
> Certainly, if the U.S. House of Representatives can impeach 
President Clinton
> for sex and lying about sex, then a fortiori the House can, should, 
and must
> impeach President Bush Jr. for war, lying about war, and 
threatening more
> wars.  All that is needed is for one Member of Congress with 
> integrity, principles and a safe seat to file these currently 
amended draft
> Bills of Impeachment against Bush Jr., Cheney, Rumsfeld, and now 
> General Albert Gonzales, who bears personal criminal responsibility 
for the
> Bush Jr. administration torture scandal.  Failing this, the 
alternative is
> likely to be an American Empire abroad, a U.S. police state at 
home, and
> continuing wars of aggression to sustain both-along the lines of 
> Orwell's classic novel 1984.  Despite all of the serious flaws 
demonstrated by
> successive United States governments that this author has amply 
> elsewhere during the past quarter century as a Professor of Law, 
the truth of
> the matter is that America is still the oldest Republic in the 
world today.
> "We the People of the United States" must fight to keep it that way!
--- End forwarded message ---

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