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Date: June 27, 2005 12:27:56 AM PDT
Subject: "this is who we are"

This is who we are" 
Subject:    "this is who we are"/we are all we have . 

this story(inthe link below) is surprisingly close to the truth. 

my closest friend and collaborator is mentioned and i prefer not to blab
more till he does....but heres a hint if anybody wants it. the tv series
"milennium" ,and role of chicago fbi office therein, were not entirely

from link: 
"...A few years ago while in San Francisco, Bob Woodward made an
intriguing remark. He told the San Francisco Chronicle he wouldn't
expose Deep Throat until the man died but that when he died people would
begin to research the case and one thing would lead to another. Woodward
said it would all lead to a "fantastic" discovery. 
Included Page: Mark Felt Hinted at Exotic Antigravity Project? - CMAQ 


To continue , now that i have found a non-suicidal way to do it: 

part of the fallout from the arrest of john a walker, the spy/traitor,
was a certain loose end. i wound up in bob woodward's tiny office at the
request of one of he alphabet agencies. on my own initiative and
responsibility i gave him the data on the "fantastic discovery"
mentioned above. it doesnt have anything to do with aliens or reverse

 woodward was very insulting and loud in his disbelief. then he said he
was going to call-in my presence- a contact high in the (reagan) justice
dept and ask him if "it" was true. Woodwards pompous facade quickly
crumbled to shock, bewilderment, confusion- then all-out anger, "how did
you REALLY know about this!?" " How do you know XXXXX!?" 

2 days later i survived a car bomb with some injuries. my poor mother ,
who had cancer, somehow came up with the money to repair my 1977 f-100

when the guy who rebuilt it found out who it belonged to he refused to
accept any money and forever after insisted on addressing me as mr
thomas. my mother wouldnt take the money back and i knew she needed it.
i found indirect ways of returning it manifold but that didnt help the
bottomless sorrow i still feel when i happen to remember, in some odd
moment,those bitter, desperate events, because....somehow, some way,
some people KNEW; they knew some terrible football had fallen to me and
i couldnt drop it no matter what....and i didnt... but i could never
take the chance of saying so and i had to leave all the quiet heroes in
the dark---which, understandably, they took to have a negative meaning. 

thats all i can say about the "fantastic discovery" except to confirm it
kenneth b thomas 

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