Tuesday, July 12, 2005
'Pakistan may use F-16's against India'
Press Trust of India
Posted online: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 0959 hours IST
Updated: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 at 1129 hours IST

Washington, June 15: Fearing that Islamabad has "a history of using US
weapons platforms against India", several members of the House International
Relations Subcommittee on South Asia and the Pacific have expressed concern
over the decision of the Bush Administration to sell F-16s to Pakistan.

Democrat Eni F.H. Faleomavaega Ssmoa said US should reconsider the sale of
F-16s to Pakistan as they are capable of delivering nuclear weapons and
Pakistan has "a history of using US weapons platforms against India." He
pointed out that Pakistan used US-supplied F-104s against India.

Second, Pakistan has "a history of nuclear proliferation." He pointed out
that A.Q. Khan proliferated nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and

India is a democracy while Pakistan is not. Unless Pakistan embraces the
democratic system of government, "we will be fooling ourselves if we sell
Pakistan F-16s," he said.

Democrat Gary Ackerman pointed out that Pakistan-based jihadis and
intelligence services are operating "with impunity" in Kashmir. Pakistan's
cooperation against terrorism is confined to al Qaeda, not Pakistani

Members also expressed unhappiness over the US acceptance of Pakistan's
refusal to let US interrogate A.Q. Khan.

Republican Dana Rohrabacher said that A.Q. Khan's nuclear proliferation has
"put us all at risk." The argument that the US is supplying F -16s to
Pakistan because Pakistan is an ally in the war against terrorism, he said,
"is one of the most ridiculous arguments I have heard." He added, "I don't
think we should sell F-16s to India either. Both are poor countries. F-16s
are not going to produce any more wealth for the people of Pakistan or

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