
Bombs in London Are Now Called Military Quality

Published: July 12, 2005
LONDON, July 11 - British investigators believe that the 10-pound
bombs used in the coordinated terrorist attacks here
contained "military quality" high-grade explosives, British and
European counterterrorism officials said Monday.
Investigators said they still did not know whether the explosives
contained plastic materials, or were made some other way. But they
said the material used in the bombs was similar to the kind
manufactured for military use or made for highly technical
commercial purposes, such as dynamite used for precision explosions
to demolish buildings or in mining.
Because of the small size of the bombs, some investigators initially
said last week that they were relatively crude.
On Monday, a senior European-based counterterrorism official with
access to intelligence reports said the new information on the
material indicated that the bombs were "technically advanced." The
official added: "There seems to be a mastery of the method of doing
explosions. This was not rudimentary. It required great organization
and was well put together."
Counterterrorism and law enforcement officials interviewed for this
article said they would only speak on the condition of anonymity
because of the nature of the investigation. They said it was still
unclear whether the attacks were carried out by local terrorists, a
group from outside Britain or a combination of the two.
The quality of the explosives has led many investigators to theorize
that the bombs were assembled by at least one technically savvy bomb
maker, who might have come to Britain to build the devices for use
by a local "sleeper cell," officials said.
"People assume you can look up a bomb-making design on the Internet
and put one together without any training," said one senior counter
terrorism official based in Europe. "But it's not that simple or
Investigators say determining the physical origin of the explosives
is crucial to helping them determine the origin of the bombs that
tore apart three trains in the London Underground and the No. 30 bus
in central London during the morning rush hour last Thursday. It was
the worst terrorist attack in Britain since World War II.
British intelligence officials have asked their counterparts
elsewhere in Europe to scour military stockpiles and commercial
sites for missing explosives, three senior European-based
intelligence officials said.
Senior counterterrorism officials are concerned that the cell that
exploded the bombs might have a stockpile of more explosive material
and could strike again, in Britain or in another European country.
"I really pity my British colleagues," a senior European
intelligence official said. "It's a very difficult situation. Every
hour that passes diminishes the probability to catch those people
and increases the chances that this cell might try to strike again."
Britain's terrorism alert was raised immediately after the attacks
to "severe specific," the second-highest level overall, and the
highest that it has been since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the
United States. It has remained at that level since then, reflecting
the continuing anxiety of the police and intelligence officials here
that another attack may occur in London.
In the attack on commuter trains in Madrid in March 2004, the
industrial dynamite used for the bombs had been stolen from a quarry
in northern Spain.
A month after the attack, investigators found the terrorist cell
that was responsible. But the men blew themselves up in an apartment
before the police moved in. Spanish officials said the members of
the cell had obtained 230 kilograms (506 pounds) of Goma 2 Eco
dynamite, and had intended to build more bombs for additional
A senior Spanish official said Monday that roughly 130 kilograms
(286 pounds) were used in the Madrid attacks, with about 30 in
unexploded bombs. The remainder is believed to have exploded when
the terrorists blew themselves up. The terrorists had obtained the
dynamite from a man named José Emilio Suárez Trashorras, who was
arrested shortly after the bombings.
A follow-up investigation last year determined that the police in
Spain were informed in early 2003 that someone in northern Spain had
been trying to sell a large quantity of explosives, but that the
police had not done anything with the tip.
On Saturday, Andy Hayman, who is in charge of Scotland Yard's
antiterrorism unit, announced that the four bombs set off in London
each contained less than 10 pounds, or about five kilograms, of
explosive material. Mr. Hayman said that investigators had
determined by the shape of the twisted metal that the bombs had most
likely been placed on the floor of the trains, near doorways. He
said it was unclear whether the bomb on the bus was on the floor or
on a seat.
British investigators believe the London bombs had timers, but they
have not determined if the bombs were set off by synchronized alarms
on cellphones or some other timing device, officials said.
Initially, investigators contended that the bombs, outfitted with
timers, had gone off at different times; they thought 26 minutes
separated the first bomb to explode in the Underground from the
third bomb. On Friday, some investigators said that they believed
the bombs were crude devices, possibly even homemade.
But on Saturday, Scotland Yard said that a reassessment showed that
the three bombs in the Underground blew up within 50 seconds, about
8:50 a.m. The synchronized explosions suggested that the plan might
have been more sophisticated than investigators initially believed.
Police officials also announced Saturday that the bombs were "high
explosives," but they declined to elaborate.
Now, senior British and other European investigators say they are
convinced that the cell responsible for the bombings had executed a
well-thought-out plan. One official said the cell's attack plan
was "highly sophisticated" and "meticulously planned."
Investigators said they had reached their conclusion in part because
the devices were powerful enough to blow apart several coaches of
the trains and rip the roof off a red double-decker bus in central
"The only concrete evidence is that these are not homemade," a
European-based senior official said. "We don't know if they are
civil industrial or military industrial explosives." Britain has one
of Europe's best security systems for warehouses containing
explosive materials, specialists say.
British investigators are being helped with the slow forensics work
by a teams from the United States, Spain and France. But Britain has
a lot of experience doing such work.
In the 1990's, the Irish Republican Army used Semtex B, a Czech-made
substance that is often nearly impossible to detect. British
antiterrorist police discovered that the bombing of London's Canary
Wharf district used Semtex B, and it was enough for then to conclude
the I.R.A. was behind the bombing.
A Spanish official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, denied a
Spanish press report that suggested that 80 pounds of bomb material
was still missing from the dynamite used in the Madrid train
Don Van Natta Jr. reported from London for this article, and Elaine
Sciolino from Paris. Souad Mekhennet contributed reporting from

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