Prisoners and Prison Workers

I get as weary of reporting as you do of hearing about the problems in our expensive expansive excessive prisons.  But we have to talk about the problems if anything is to ever be done to fix them.  It's like Dr. ML King Jr wrote in a letter from the Birmingham Jail, "Like a boil that can never be cured so long as it is covered up but must be opened with its ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must be exposed, with all the tension its exposure creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured."

So the problem we're talking about today is sex.  In the real world that may be an anticipated conversation, but in prison it is too often something to fear and dread. What you learn from the latest article by Correctional Officer Karen Jones should make you ask, why do men work in the Womens' prisons and women work in the mens'?  Couldn't we avoid much of the situation by changing the personnel to the same sex as the prisoners they keep?

There is an extraordinary air of unhealthy sexual tension within our prisons that is being dealt with in a manner that is dangerously akin to the "Just Say No" concept of the Drug War.  The real problem is that just saying 'no' does not stop human hormones any more than the drug warriors' simplistic philosophy ever prevented curious kids from saying 'yes' to the high of drugs.

Because officers are the authority, they can and do make inmate behavior better or worse by their own examples. Wives have come to me complaining that their officer-husbands have picked up nasty habits and an excessive love for pornography from fellow prison workers. I have also received numerous reports of officers' using 'gunning' as an excuse for outraged abuse of inmates, but apparently the officer outrage is contrived:  I get just as many reports of illegal and immoral sexual acts committed by prison workers as I do about 'perverted' inmate sexual behavior. Some people expect such of inmates, but nobody should have to tolerate it from on-duty officers.

Just as the FDOC Rules against inmate  'gunning' and the FDOC ban on 'girlie' magazines will not stop sexually deprived inmates from acting out, FDOC rules and State and Federal Laws do not stop all male officers from sexually harassing female officers nor raping prisoners.  Humans remain humans whether they are free or not; the problems are only intensified in the prison environment.

As we should have found out from the long-standing-never-resolved drug prohibition, we obviously cannot legislate morality.

Perhaps the department would have more luck and less problems with the inmates if they did allow 'girlie' magazines so inmates would go off and do their thing in private.  Better yet, perhaps if they had more educational programs, arts and crafts, and jobs, they'd have less problems with people who have nothing but time in their hands. [pun intended].

Some people are fighting back. A lawsuit is being filed by the victims of a Hamilton CI ex-guard/classification officer named David Deas, who raped untold numbers of prisoners in the years since 1999 with no interference from staff, warden, or Tallahassee.  Last year, women's psych councilor and rapist Mr. Poppy at Hernando CI was arrested and tried for forcing his wards into sexual acts.  He did go on trial for one of his many rapes, but the result was 'snafu' as usual when people try to get the department to accept their responsibilities;  He got probation and, if I understand it correctly, can go back to work for the department when the probation is over.

POPPY, THOMAS U19161 WHITE MALE 02/05/2009 TAVARES 01/12/1949

As far what can be done about guards who sexually harass other officers or who have physical relations at work (either with inmates or co-workers), perhaps the solution might be in better training, perhaps firing a few who don't 'just say no' in order to set an example for the rest. Another solution is lots and lots of lawsuits such as the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by several FDOC female Correctional Officers.  And you might want to encourage your legislators and prison administrators to rethink their staffing policies so that women and men are sexually assigned according to the sex of the inmates with whom they work.

Click here to read the reality of Sex Problems in the Department of 'Corrections' by our Gold Star 'Correctional Officer, Karen Jones.

Kay Lee
2683 Rockcliff Road S.E.
Atlanta, GA 30316-4013
"One of the world's greatest problems is the impossibilty of any person searching for the truth on any subject when they believe they already have it." --Dave Wilbur
Making The Walls Transparent
Prison Reform March in Dc August 13, 2005
(Women's Organization for National Prohibition Reform)

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