My Sister Mehtab Mehrzadeh,
Greetings of Peace from a Parsi Brother
My ancestors cane from Persia and your name too suggest that
there is a Persian connection with you as well.
Ancient Persia has been a great land of Sufi Muslims, Saints, Sages,
Poets and scholars. Contribution of Persia to Art and Architecture has
been remarkable. Even in Science and Technology, Persians throughout
centuries have made great strides - especially in Astronmy and Physics.
Your scholalrly write-up here is a testimony to the great Persian heritage
that you belong to. You have really opened up the books of history where
the Crusaders, Popes and followers of Christianity had, with impunity and
treachery, massacred millions of innocents in the name of God. They are
still doing it - butm hiding behind the likes of Nazi Hitler, Nazi and Fascist
Bush and Blair. They have started new series of Crusades to rid the world
of Muslims. Same words are being used against peace-loving, God-fearing,
cultured abd civiliesed people of Islam as were used by the Christian
Crusaders in the eleventh century - Pagans, Infidels, Babrbarians and so on.
Once again, it is the hettle calling a pot black - they are hiding their
histyorical atrocities, sins and crimes against humanity by blaming it all
on wonderful people of Islam.
Yes, let them go and bomb Mecca! I will add, go ahead bomb Taj Mahal,
the shrine of love for love!! Bomb Benares inIndia, where the Hindu devotees
go and worship their Lord in peace and tranquility!! Bomb the Budhist Pagodas
in Thailand, Burma, Angor Wat (Cambodia) where the peace-loving Budhists
congregate and chant the Mantras of love!! Go Bomb Democracy everywhere
and create Demonocracy, Go bomb the God and have a Rule of the Demon!!
Bomb Sanity and have Insanity rule!!! Bomb Love and have Hate rule!! 
Bomb Truth and Justice and have Hypocracy and Tyranny be part of life!!!
Yes, go ahead Bomb Mecca, then Medina, then Jerusalem (if Israel will let you
do so), then the Mosques and Temples all over the world which are full of people
and worshipers - but don't bomb the Churches, because they are empty and barren!!
Bomb decency and let filth and indecency prevail!! Bomb the cafes and Resturanats
and let the Bars and Pubs dominate!!! Bomb Marriages and Natural way of Life and
let their be a culture of Lesbianism and Homosexuality!!!! Bomb Human Values and let Perversion be the Way of Life!!! Bomb Knowledge and Enlightenment and their be
Ignorance and Lies!!
Yes, go ahead and Bomb Mecca!!! Bomb Happiness and Smile and bring Sadness
and Tears to the world!! Bomb Friendship and Brotherhood and create Enmity and and
Barbarism!! Bomb Love and nurture Hatred!!! Bomb the Light and Brilliance and let
there be Darkness, Darkness, Darkness and More Darkness!!!!!
Yes, Bomb Mecca and then Istanbul, and then Almeria and Cordoba - for God
is urging you to start new and fresh Crusades against 'Pagans' who are not
Christians...........but infidel, Muslims, Hindus, Zoroatrians, Sikhs and Budhists!!!
May God Bless us all, Dr Homi Wadia
Mehtab Mehrzadeh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello World,
May The Peacw and Blessings of God be Upon You All.
This is the greeting with which Muslims greet humanity - not with lies,
fake pronouncements, hate and poison. Hate, racism, violence, arrohance,
killings in the name of religion, justifying massacre in the name of God -
all these are hallmarks of Christian ethos, sinful and evil pracrtices
of Christendom. Go and read History - you will see the pages coloured
with the blood of the innocents.
Go to any Library in Christendom and you will find hundreds of books
written by Angels of Hate - on Crusades. All these books had justified
the killing and massacre of innocent Muslims in Jerusalem and in Spain.
"God is commanding us to kill the pagans and infidels [they meant Muslims]
and rid our Holy cities from bartbarians," screamed the Pope of the day
and Christian priests in Europe. They sent thousands of children,
in a suicide mission, for crusade to fight against Muslims in Jerusalem
in 1096. They even quoted from Bible that God has sancxtioned these Crusades,
including the "Children's Crusade." 
There were floods and earthquakes in some parts of the world at that time
and the Pope said that was God's anger because the Holy Lands were
occupied by Infidels [Muslims] and that these lands must be immediately
'freed' from Pagan occupation.
Christianity also nurtured slavery in the name of God. They treated poor,
innocent Africans with torture and like animals - they even justified their
heinous and criminal acts by quoting from Bible that God has sanctioned
that ignorant, black - animal-like Africans should be used as slaves,
Christendom at its worst, at its most barbaric, evil and savage!!! Look what
they did to civilised race of Red Indians in both North and South America!!!!
Look what they did to cultured and peace-loving people, the Aborigines,
of Australia and have you forgotten the Apartheid in South Africa???? That
apartheid was the most sickening and savage chapter of human beings
treating other human beings as animals.
So, you the so-called soldierts of Christianity and white supremists
are the shameless, barbaric, evil hordes that ever walked on the surface
of the world. The religion of Islam saved and continues to save the world from
the savagery of Christianity and European arrogance and evil practices.
Go read the history of Belgian rule over Congo - especially what King
Leopold II did to the poor, hapless, destute people of Congo - massacre,
rape and savagery - all in the name of Christianity and European 'civilisation.'
Savage Crusades are still continuing - it is a dream of Christendom to
bomb Mecca and Medina. Yes, it is true there will be no 'abaabeels' to save
these Holy places of Islam - but, such a barbaric act and a crime against
humanity will wake Muslims and as, brother Jimmy, rightly suggests - Muslims
all over the world will take destiny in their own hands and will create centres
of learning and excellence like the ones they cfeated in Cordoba and Almeria,
and surely, they will have their own Weapons of Mass Destruction, and
will certainly wipe out the barbaric, posion and hate-filled hordes of Christtendom
and European savagery!!!!!!!
Go ahead bomb Mecca - from its ashes will rise an enlightened, empowered,
educated, cultured, civilised, resilient, powerful and resourceful Muslim!!!
Yes, of-course, God willing!!!! Dr Mehtab Mehrzadeh
Colin Powel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And after the attack on Makkah, no Ababeel will come to protect the MuslimÂ….

Jimmy Jumshade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Time of the 'Elephants upon Makkah' are long gone & most probably another fairy-tale. Think practical get practical..........., get education, get indegenious technology, make self-defence a serious target instead of wasting your lives away in preparing for 'after-life' which more than likely is a gimmick to keep the faithful scared, greedy & obedient.
If you have effective self-defence which guarantees unacceptable casualties & destroyed offensive weapons to invaders nobody will enjoy bombing you everytime they feel like it. Make effective 'self-defence' a deterrent for peace.

& the countries in question have total means & full capability to bomb & destroy Makkah & Madinah anytime, in a flash....they are not 'elephants' wake is not 1400 years ago, the curse upon Muslims.Your secret weapon of 'praying' is useless.....................

harissuryamen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Brother, I think we should not provoke the worst insanity of the
monsters....The Terrorists and the US's leaders have lost their own
humanity, since they killed 100,000 innocent people for the lie.

I believe God protected that Mecca and Kaaba as the religious
purposes, but I will not lose the faith to God "if" God wants
something different than that.
Do you know that that Kaaba had ever gone once, before Abraham re-
built it again on its today spot?

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "G.Waleed Kavalec"
> Believers
> The People of the Elephant - sent into action by a radical
Christian - moved against the Kaaba once.
> They never got there.
> The People of the Elephant are back - again moved as before -
called Republicans this time.
> Anyone doubt the result?

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