Please tell me(embarrass me) Nico Haupt and Herr
vonKleist are Jewish, too.

They ignore Joel Sucherman's repeated insistence
all day September 11, 2001 on local DC and syndicated,
that he saw an American airlines 757, specifically and
explicitly and repeatedly a "757", fly into the Pentagon.

Joel Sucherman was saying 757 for TWO HOURS that Dan
Rather and channel 9 locally were insisting that AA77
crashed in New York. Was it not simply true that one
Jewish guy and a lot of non-Jewish guys saw AA77, a
757, fly into the Pentagon, said so on TV, and a couple of
German guys are taking the Goebbels line and dissing the
Jewish witness as their strawman to ignore all witnesses?

Two German guys say not a bomb has fallen on German
soil, not a plane has fallen on American buildings, and
these two German guys want to ignore a Jewish guy who
says he saw an American Airlines 757 crash into the
Pentagon? Are you with the two German guys dissing
a Jewish strawman who said "757"?

They want to dismiss all the others who saw AA77
near and crashing, on the basis that Joel is Jewish,
it seems to me. It looks like two German guys are
engaging in a strawman argument that one Jewish
guy taints the lot.

Two German guys take the government line, the Pentagon
small plane Big Lie, out of the mouth of USAF propaganda
officer Lt Col Art Holbo, who like Goebbels and his Big

They don't hear that Jewish guy saying "757"? He's their
strawman to ignore every witness who agrees with him?


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