Michael Baigent is a contributor to this Freemasonic publication:

And he is a trustee of the Canonbury Masonic Research Centre (CMRC):

Lord Northampton is the Founder, Past Chairman and Grand Master of
The Cornerstone Society, with Michael Baigent being a member:

And there is this link between Lord Northampton and Sion:
Temple Mount Fanatics Foment a New Thirty Years' War

Lord Northampton:
Rebuilding The Temple
Lord Northampton, who has been atop the Temple Mount
conducting "Temple studies," candidly has admitted in interviews,
that he is an adherent of British Israelism.... Lord Northampton is,
by his own admission, a practitioner of the satanic rituals of
Aleister Crowley. Indeed, as he explained to an interviewer, Lord
Northampton installed one of the world's leading "scholars" of the
Golden Dawn cult, R.A. Gilbert, as the editor-in-chief of Ars
Quatuor Coronarum, the theoretical journal of the lodge. Crowley had
written an account of his "spiritual progress" in magic and Satanism
under the title The Temple of Solomon the King.

Masons and the Mount

The Quest to Rebuild the Temple
- Two weeks after the 1967 Six-Day War which saw Jerusalem and the
Temple Mount brought under Israeli control, there occurred the
greatest freemasonic meeting in history in London, celebrating 250
years since the founding of UGLE, at which the Duke of Kent was
installed as the new Grand Master.
- Shortly after, the QC Lodge dispatched a member, the Jewish
physicist Dr. Asher Kaufman, to begin studies on the exact location
of where the Temple originally stood.
- The Temple Mount Faithful was also established at this time by
Stanley Goldfoot, which is presently led by Gershon Solomon.
- In December of 1995, a month after Rabin was assassinated, the
Jerusalem Lodge was established adjacent to the Temple Mount in the
underground Grotto of King Solomon.
- This lodge was founded by Giuliano Di Bernardo, and at the opening
ceremony he declared, "The rebuilding of the Temple is at the center
of our studies."

Paul Smith

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