Dear Friends, Peace, Love and Justice
Twenty years and nine investigations later, why
have the people behind the anti-Sikh riots in
the Indian capital, Delhi, not been brought to
book and punished?  This question is again
being asked after the latest investigation by a
retired Supreme Court judge found that
Congress leaders either incited or helped mobs
to attack Sikhs.
Justice Delayed, Is Justice Denied
Three years on, no one has been brought
to justice  over the Gujarat riots either.
More than 1,000 people, mostly Muslim,
were killed. Independent groups have
placed the figure closer to 2,000.
Friends, the neighbouring Pakistan is a
ruthless Military Dctatorship. Justice
is not part of their ideology.
But, India is a Secular, Democratic and highly
educated nation - this kind of tyranny, despotism 
and injustice is just not expected of the great
Indian nation. India, let there be a Rule of Law!!
Tortured, Terrorised, Tormented People of the
World Unite, Peace, Love and Justice for Humanity,
Dr Homi Wadia

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