Yep, Arlene...we can do that too...Let's set up the commitee ASAP

Seeing this message...decided to send this already informed group>>>

Date:   8/15/2005 11:17:51 AM Eastern Standard Time     
From:   Mofmars3        
CC:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]       

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Alan Dicey"
> Dear Marsha,
> I do not have the opportunity to catch the O'Reilly program so I
need your
> help.
> Who are the program's sponsors?
> I would like to start a serious Boycott of them.
> Sure, that is the way to get the guy off the air, simply have
everyone write
> the sponsors and tell them we will not purchase or use their
services until
> they get the jerk off the air.
> A Boycott is a great tool.
> One great boycott that we all know about happened in Boston Harbor
when a
> group of patriots stormed upon a docked ship and threw boxes of
English tea
> overboard to protest the "taxation without representation".
> Yes, let us start a Boycott, but I need a list of sponsors that
finance the
> O'Reilly program.
> Can you or someone else provide it to us.
> Best Regards,
> Alan Dicey
> Miami, Florida
> "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
> when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
> - Thomas Jefferson, founder of the Democratic Party



From: "Marsha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Date: Mon Aug 15, 2005  11:12 am 
Subject: Re: Dear Marsha, Important message to special Spiritual and 
Patriot groups     mofmars3 
Send Email 

Hello Alan and everyone...I don't know who fox's sponsors are but we
can find out...I try to watch but I will be having another surgery
very soon...I consult later today so I won't be much help for a
little while, I'm afraid

Maybe others could reports back to you bout who their sponsors
are?...You may want to ask [EMAIL PROTECTED] watch fox, so
we don't have to...actually I'll send a copy of this to them and
maybe they'll answer "US"...and I'll put The Newshounds info here too

They may know who their sponsors are...a serious boycott? That
would be great...I'm sure the Newshounds will help as I'm sure that's
one of the purposes behind all the great work they do...Maybe you
could send them copies of your progress in the boycott?...I try to
remember to send them copies of what I do in that area

activist groups will help pyramid out the boycott all over
everywhere...WTP_U is the sign up post for "The We The People United
Global Movement"...

We need more of those like you Alan so please see the invitation at
the end here so you can learn a little about "US" and decide if you
want to join...We need you all...Group owners especially...We already
have your group owner The Wonderful and Amazing Jack Topal standing
with "US"...He's one of the many busy group owners who stands in name
only because he already has his own important agenda...By the
way...where is Jack?...He hasn't been posting to the forum for a
while now...Is he okay?...I hope

Standing with "US" is plenty...We gain strength in numbers and a loud
voice that won't be ignored...We have many patriot sister groups now
standing with "US" and are on the move, big time

Hugs and Blessings,

Sign up with The News Hounds>>>

News Hounds Media Digest # 44
8/7/05 to 8/14/05

1. NewsHounds: "Off-the-chart left". That's what off-the-chart nuts
Bill O'Reilly said as he waved News Hounds front page around last
Thursday night. Of course in Fox-world, anyone left of Zell Miller is
off the charts!

2. Ellen: It was a Hannity & Colmes segment (8/9/05) ostensibly about
her just-announced candidacy for the US Senate but Katherine Harris
(the Cruella De Vil of the 2000 election) kept shaking her over-sized
chest so often throughout the interview that I couldn't help but
conclude that what she really wanted the audience to check out was
something other than her politics.

3. Janie: Cindy Sheehan's plight did not seem to warrant much air
time this week on Dayside. Fox and Juliet Huddy (guest-host for much
of this week)only deemed Ms. Sheehan's protest worthy of one short
segment on Friday, during which Juliet followed RNC party-line in an
attempt to discredit her, specifically through bringing up the letter
of dissent written by members of her family. Despite these efforts,
50% of the audience, along with Huddy's guest, felt that President
Bush should meet with Ms. Sheehan, which on Fox, could be considered
it's own victory.

4. Judy: BIll O'Reilly should retract the right-wing lie that Cindy
Sheehan flipflopped on her feelings about George Bush, which he
repeated on his show after it appeared on the Drudge Report.

5. Melanie: The neocons claim to be real macho men. Why then are they
so afraid of four lines in a Rolling Stones song?

6. Nancy: Brit Hume does a regular segment called "The Grapevine"
halfway through Special Report. This is typically 4 short "items" that
start out with a mildly interesting fact, to which Hume adds an
editorial sneer, sarcastic comment or attempted "quirky" twist. Hume
bills it as "fresh pickings from the political grapevine ". In
reality, it's got little to do with politics & everything to do with
Fox's agenda of relentless attacks on anyone & everyone perceived to
be an "enemy".

7. Chrish: The drums of war are now beating out I-r-a-N. Except for
that last letter, the song remains the same as the one we heard in

8. Deborah: After President Bush made a statement about Cindy Sheehan
from the comfort of his front yard in Crawford, the smear machine
whirred into action giving her an image makeover.

You are receiving this message because you signed up at the News
Hounds website. If you don't want to receive the weekly digest
anymore, you can unsubscribe by sending a blank email newshound
To subscribe send a blank e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The News Hounds
"We watch FOX, so you don't have to."

Click here: fox news site

EEEEEK...huge link...sorry


You are invited to "The We The People United Global Movement"

We are many political, patriot groups United

We need all the common sense people and activists possible...Just
stand with "US" in name only if you can, if you're already too busy
to take an active role...If you join, you should take the daily
digest to scan for***group alerts***that will come to keep you
updated and informed...

It's a very busy forum...It's only the sign up post and serves
differing purposes than visible to the average member...We work much
behind the scenes...Members will be directed from there to our Mother
site and center for all patriot and political groups

Only those trusted Group Owners and members will be invited...we have
to be very careful and can't leave room for disruption...There are
only four of "US" group owners there now

The main qualification to be asked to join...and possibly set on our
board, is that one be able to put aside differences of opinion enough
to work together and help make the needed differences and change

We have many group owners of prominent and productive political and
patriot groups with "US"...We have representation for every issue
important to We The People from everywhere

We are Spiritual and secular and from every walk of life...but we
have learned to work together very well

Please join your efforts with ours to help save the future for the

All our issues and dilemmas tie "US" together and are connected by
the root to all of our problems...corruption and conspiracy in high
places...We must all strike at that same root together

We seek, especially, all the group owners possible

Sincerely Marsha



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