British Law Student from Newcastle University Threatened in Akha village!!!!
Dear Friends:
A British Law student was threatened for being in an Akha village and Thai soldiers tried to find some basis on which to arrest him.
Please demand an explanation from the Thai Embassy, your MP and congressperson.
The student said that he would not abandon the Akha village. The people were scared and the army was trying to intimidate them. There have been two killings of Akha from this village area up in the jungle behind this village in the last three months.
Soldiers were camped near the village as they are at Hooh Yoh also.
Please demand an end to the occupation of Akha Lands by the Thai Army.
The student said he came to the village to have a close up view of what human rights problems the villagers might have but never expected anything like this.
Thailand does very well to convince the world that it is ONLY a wonderful country.
The Queen of Thailand Has No Clothes!

The Queen of Thailand is the only person who doesn't know what a disaster her project at Hooh Yoh Akha village is and who the Court Jester and Fools at Forestry and in the Thai Army are who designed this human rights disaster to the humiliation of an arrogant country.

Better than three years ago we warned the Army NOT to proceed with this project, that they would loose.

Displacing 1500 self sufficient Akha residents from a region that they had continuously occupied as families for at least 150 years, the Queen's Royal project took 8500 rai away from these villagers and went on to begin taking vast tracts of land away from other villages such as Pah Nmm and Pai ah Prai villags.

The Akha, self sufficient with a great variety of food crops on the land from orchards to rice terraces, saw the entire land taken away, the army chopped it full of roads, began building concrete buildings everywhere, and then told the Akha to work for a fraction of the minimum wage on land that belonged to them, giving the Akha money that could hardly buy now the food they once grew.

UN reports site Thailand's poor treatment of the Akha people, such as at the village of Hooh Yoh. The Thai Consul to the UN at New York, told the Permanent Forum for Indigenous Issues that the Akha so loved the Queen that they gave all their land away, and that there was no problem for the Akha people. The Royal Website praising the project was taken off line.

Thailand is NOT a signator to many Human Rights Conventions that protect Indigenous Peoples.

The case of Hooh Yoh, is a classic example of how the Akha are impoverished, while rich missions stand by silently, hoarding their wealth, unwilling to speak in defense of human rights and the rule of law.

The Akha Heritage Foundation.
http://www.akha.org Akha Heritage Site.
PO Box 6073 Salem, OR. 97304 USA.

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